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Directing Traffic into an IPsec Tunnel

Using a Filter to Select Traffic to Be Secured

For the ES PIC, you need to configure a firewall filter to direct traffic into the IPsec tunnel. To apply a security association to traffic that matches a firewall filter, include the ipsec-sa sa-name statement at the [edit firewall filter filter-name term term-name then] hierarchy level.

For the AS and MultiServices PICs, you do not need to configure a separate firewall filter. A filter is already built into the IPsec VPN rule statement at the [edit services ipsec-vpn] hierarchy level. To apply a security association to traffic that matches the IPsec VPN rule, include the dynamic or manual statement at the [edit services rule rule-name term term-name then] hierarchy level. To specify whether the rule should match input or output traffic, include the match-direction statement at the [edit services rule rule-name] hierarchy level.

After defining the rules for your IPsec VPNs, you must apply the rules to a service set. To do this, include the ipsec-vpn-rules rule-name statement at the [edit services service-set service-set-name] hierarchy level. Include an IPv4 or IPv6 IPsec gateway with the local-gateway local-ip-address statement at the [edit services service-set service-set-name] hierarchy level.

Also, you must select either a single interface or a pair of interfaces that participate in IPsec. To select a single interface, include the interface-service interface-name statement at the [edit services service-set service-set-name] hierarchy level. To select a pair of interfaces and a next hop, include the next-hop-service statement at the [edit services service-set service-set-name] hierarchy level and specify an inside interface and an outside interface. Only next-hop service sets support IPsec within Layer 3 VPNs and use of routing protocols over the IPsec tunnel.

Applying the Filter or Service Set to the Interface Receiving Traffic to Be Secured

For the ES PIC, apply your firewall filter on the input interface receiving the traffic that you wish to send to the IPsec tunnel. To do this, include the filter statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name unit unit-number family inet] hierarchy level.

For the AS and MultiServices PICs, apply your IPsec-based interface service set to the input interface receiving the traffic that you wish to send to the IPsec tunnel. To do this, include the service-set service-set-name statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name unit unit-number family inet service (input | output)] hierarchy level.

To configure a next-hop-based service set on the AS and MultiServices PICs, include the service-domain statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name unit unit-number] hierarchy level and specify one logical interface on the AS PIC as an inside interface and a second logical interface on the AS PIC as an outside interface.