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Paragon Automation User Guide
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Audit Logs Overview

date_range 25-Sep-23

An audit log is a record of a sequence of user activities that affect a specific operation. Audit logs are useful for tracing events and for maintaining a record of the user's activities. Network operators can view or filter audit logs to determine which user performed what action at a given time. The most recent audit log appears first.

Audit logs contain information about the tasks initiated by a user from the Paragon Automation GUI or APIs. Audit log entries include:

  • The name of the user who initiated the task

  • Source IP address of the client where the task was initiated

  • Operation that triggered the audit log

  • Status of the task

  • Short description of the task

  • Related job details. Click the Job ID to view the job details on the Job Status page.

    The job details include the job name, start and end time, job state (failed or success), job ID, and the related task details.

  • Date and time of the task execution

Audit logs from microservices, such as healthbot command and config server are collected in the audit log client library, and are stored in the Postgres SQL database. The audit log client library is installed with microservices during Paragon Automation installation.

Paragon Pathfinder operations, for example, adding, modifying, or deleting network elements (such as nodes or links) are logged here.


Device-driven tasks (that is, tasks not initiated by the user) are not recorded in audit logs.

Paragon Insights Commands and Audit Logs

Audit logs are generated when you run the following commands from the CLI:

  • add-node
  • remove-node
  • modify-uda-engine
  • modify-udf-engine
  • modify-workflow-engine
  • remove-plugin
  • load-plugin

The audit log generated includes information on which user initiated the job, the node name, and status of the job. However, you must enter credentials (username and password) to run the commands. If you have already set a username (HB_USERNAME) and password (HB_PASSWORD), you are not prompted to enter credentials when you run a command.
