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Network Management and Monitoring Guide
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Configuring Data Path Debugging and Trace Options

date_range 10-Jan-24

Understanding Data Path Debugging for SRX Series Devices

Data path debugging, or end-to-end debugging, support provides tracing and debugging at multiple processing units along the packet-processing path. The packet filter can be executed with minimal impact to the production system.

On an SRX Series Firewall, a packet goes through series of events involving different components from ingress to egress processing.

With the data path debugging feature, you can trace and debug (capture packets) at different data points along the processing path. The events available in the packet-processing path are: NP ingress, load-balancing thread (LBT), jexec, packet-ordering thread (POT), and NP egress. You can also enable flow module trace if the security flow trace flag for a certain module is set.

At each event, you can specify any of the four actions (count, packet dump, packet summary, and trace). Data path debugging provides filters to define what packets to capture, and only the matched packets are traced. The packet filter can filter out packets based on logical interface, protocol, source IP address prefix, source port, destination IP address prefix, and destination port.

Data path debugging is supported on SRX4600, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800.

To enable end-to-end debugging, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Define the capture file and specify the maximum capture size.

  2. Define the packet filter to trace only a certain type of traffic based on the requirement.

  3. Define the action profile specifying the location on the processing path from where to capture the packets (for example, LBT or NP ingress).

  4. Enable the data path debugging.

  5. Capture traffic.

  6. Disable data path debugging.

  7. View or analyze the report.

The packet-filtering behavior for the port and interface options is as follows:

  • The packet filter traces both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic if only port is specified.

  • The packet filter traces IPv4, IPV6, and non-IP traffic if only interface is specified.

Understanding Security Debugging Using Trace Options

The Junos OS trace function allows applications to write security debugging information to a file. The information that appears in this file is based on criteria you set. You can use this information to analyze security application issues.

The trace function operates in a distributed manner, with each thread writing to its own trace buffer. These trace buffers are then collected at one point, sorted, and written to trace files. Trace messages are delivered using the InterProcess Communications (IPC) protocol. A trace message has a lower priority than that of control protocol packets such as BGP, OSPF, and IKE, and therefore delivery is not considered to be as reliable.

Understanding Flow Debugging Using Trace Options

For flow trace options, you can define a packet filter using combinations of destination-port, destination-prefix, interface, protocol, source-port, and source-prefix. If the security flow trace flag for a certain module is set, the packet matching the specific packet filter triggers flow tracing and writes debugging information to the trace file.

Debugging the Data Path (CLI Procedure)

Data path debugging is supported on SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800.

To configure the device for data path debugging:

  1. Specify the following request command to set the data path debugging for the multiple processing units along the packet-processing path:
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security datapath-debug
  2. Specify the trace options for data path-debug using the following command:
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security datapath-debug traceoptions
  3. Using the request security packet-filter command, you can set the packet filter to specify the related packets to perform data path-debug action. A maximum of four filters are supported at the same time. For example, the following command sets the first packet-filter:
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security datapath-debug packet-filter name
  4. Using the request security action-profile command, you can set the action for the packet match for a specified filter. Only the default action profile is supported, which is the trace option for network processor ezchip ingress, ezchip egress, spu.lbt, and spu.pot:
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security datapath-debug packet-filter name action-profile 

Setting Flow Debugging Trace Options (CLI Procedure)

The following examples display the options you can set by using security flow traceoptions.

  • To match the imap destination port for the filter1 packet filter, use the following statement:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security flow traceoptions packet-filter filter1 destination-port imap
  • To set the destination IPv4 prefix address for the filter1 packet filter, use the following statement:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security flow traceoptions packet-filter filter1 destination-prefix
  • To set the fxp0 logical interface for the filter1 packet filter, use the following statement:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security flow traceoptions packet-filter filter1 interface fxp0
  • To match the TCP IP protocol for the filter1 packet filter, use the following statement:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security flow traceoptions packet-filter filter1 protocol tcp
  • To match the HTTP source port for the filter1 packet filter, use the following statement:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security flow traceoptions packet-filter filter1 source-port http
  • To set the IPv4 prefix address for the filter1 packet filter, use the following statement:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security flow traceoptions packet-filter filter1 source-prefix

Setting Security Trace Options (CLI Procedure)

Use the following configuration statements to configure security trace options in the CLI configuration editor.

  • To disable remote tracing, enter the following statement:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security traceoptions no-remote-trace
  • To write trace messages to a local file, enter the following statement. The system saves the trace file in the /var/log/ directory.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security traceoptions use-local-files
  • To specify a name for the trace file, enter the following statement. Valid values range from 1 and 1024 characters. The name cannot include spaces, /, or % characters. The default filename is security.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security traceoptions file filename
  • To specify the maximum number of trace files that can accumulate, enter the following statement. Valid values range from 2 to 1000. The default value is 3.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security traceoptions file files 3
  • To specify the match criteria that you want the system to use when logging information to the file, enter the following statement. Enter a regular expression. Wildcard (*) characters are accepted.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security traceoptions file match *thread
  • To allow any user to read the trace file, enter the world-readable statement. Otherwise, enter the no-world-readable statement.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security traceoptions file world-readable
    user@host# set security traceoptions file no-world-readable
  • To specify the maximum size to which the trace file can grow, enter the following statement. Once the file reaches the specified size, it is compressed and renamed filename0.gz, the next file is named filename1.gz, and so on. Valid values range from 10240 to 1,073,741,824.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security traceoptions file size 10240
  • To turn on trace options and to perform more than one tracing operation, set the following flags.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security traceoptions flag all
    user@host# set security traceoptions flag compilation
    user@host#  set security traceoptions flag configuration
    user@host# set security traceoptions flag routing-socket
  • To specify the groups that these trace option settings do or do not apply to, enter the following statements:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security traceoptions apply-groups value
    user@host# set security traceoptions apply-groups-except value

Displaying Log and Trace Files

Enter the monitor start command to display real-time additions to system logs and trace files:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> monitor start filename

When the device adds a record to the file specified by filename, the record displays on the screen. For example, if you have configured a system log file named system-log (by including the syslog statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level), you can enter the monitor start system-log command to display the records added to the system log.

To display a list of files that are being monitored, enter the monitor list command. To stop the display of records for a specified file, enter the monitor stop filename command.

Displaying Output for Security Trace Options


Display output for security trace options.


Use the show security traceoptions command to display the output of your trace files. For example:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host # show security traceoptions file usp_trace
user@host # show security traceoptions flag all
user@host # show security traceoptions rate-limit 888

The output for this example is as follows:

content_copy zoom_out_map
Apr 11 16:06:42 21:13:15.750395:CID-906489336:FPC-01:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-01:PFE:now update 0x3607edf8df8in 0x3607e8d0 
Apr 11 16:06:42 21:13:15.874058:CID-1529687608:FPC-01:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-01:CTRL:Enter Function[util_ssam_handler]  
Apr 11 16:06:42 21:13:15.874485:CID-00:FPC-01:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-01:CTRL:default1: Rate limit changed to 888
Apr 11 16:06:42 21:13:15.874538:CID-00:FPC-01:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-01:CTRL:default1: Destination ID set to 1
Apr 11 16:06:42 21:13:15.874651:CID-00:FPC-01:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-01:CTRL:default2: Rate limit changed to 888
Apr 11 16:06:42 21:13:15.874832:CID-00:FPC-01:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-01:CTRL:default2: Destination ID set to 1
Apr 11 16:06:42 21:13:15.874942:CID-00:FPC-01:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-01:CTRL:default3: Rate limit changed to 888
Apr 11 16:06:42 21:13:15.874997:CID-00:FPC-01:PIC-01:THREAD_ID-01:CTRL:default3: Destination ID set to 1

Displaying Multicast Trace Operations

To monitor and display multicast trace operations, enter the mtrace monitor command:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> mtrace monitor
content_copy zoom_out_map
Mtrace query at Apr 21 16:00:54 by, resp to, qid 2a83aa packet from to from to via group (mxhop=60)  Mtrace query at Apr 21 16:00:57 by, resp to, qid 25dc17 packet from to from to via group (mxhop=60)  Mtrace query at Apr 21 16:01:00 by, resp to same, qid 20e046 packet from to from to via group (mxhop=60)  Mtrace query at Apr 21 16:01:10 by, resp to same, qid 1d25ad packet from to from to via group (mxhop=60)

This example displays only mtrace queries. However, when the device captures an mtrace response, the display is similar, but the complete mtrace response also appears (exactly as it is appears in the mtrace from-source command output).

Table 1 summarizes the output fields of the display.

Table 1: CLI mtrace monitor Command Output Summary



Mtrace operation-type at time-of-day

  • operation-type—Type of multicast trace operation: query or response.

  • time-of-day—Date and time the multicast trace query or response was captured.


IP address of the host issuing the query.

resp to address

address—Response destination address.

qid qid

qid—Query ID number.

packet from source to destination

  • source—IP address of the source of the query or response.

  • destination—IP address of the destination of the query or response.

from source to destination

  • source—IP address of the multicast source.

  • destination—IP address of the multicast destination.

via group address

address—Group address being traced.


number—Maximum hop setting.

Displaying a List of Devices

To display a list of devices between the device and a specified destination host, enter the traceroute command with the following syntax:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> traceroute host <interface interface-name> <as-number-lookup> <bypass-routing> <gateway address> <inet | inet6> <no-resolve> <routing-instance routing-instance-name> <source source-address> <tos number> <ttl number> <wait seconds>

Table 2 describes the traceroute command options.

Table 2: CLI traceroute Command Options




Sends traceroute packets to the hostname or IP address you specify.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Sends the traceroute packets on the interface you specify. If you do not include this option, traceroute packets are sent on all interfaces.


(Optional) Displays the autonomous system (AS) number of each intermediate hop between the device and the destination host.


(Optional) Bypasses the routing tables and sends the traceroute packets only to hosts on directly attached interfaces. If the host is not on a directly attached interface, an error message is returned.

Use this option to display a route to a local system through an interface that has no route through it.

gateway address

(Optional) Uses the gateway you specify to route through.


(Optional) Forces the traceroute packets to an IPv4 destination.


(Optional) Forces the traceroute packets to an IPv6 destination.


(Optional) Suppresses the display of the hostnames of the hops along the path.

routing-instance routing-instance-name

(Optional) Uses the routing instance you specify for the traceroute.

source address

(Optional) Uses the source address that you specify, in the traceroute packet.

tos number

(Optional) Sets the type-of-service (TOS) value in the IP header of the traceroute packet. Specify a value from 0 through 255.

ttl number

(Optional) Sets the time-to-live (TTL) value for the traceroute packet. Specify a hop count from 0 through 128.

wait seconds

(Optional) Sets the maximum time to wait for a response.

To quit the traceroute command, press Ctrl-C.

The following is sample output from a traceroute command:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> traceroute host2
content_copy zoom_out_map
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets  1 (  0.482 ms  0.346 ms  0.318 ms  2 (  0.401 ms  0.435 ms  0.359 ms  3 (  0.401 ms  0.360 ms  0.357 ms  4 (  0.420 ms  0.456 ms  0.378 ms  5 (  0.830 ms  0.779 ms  0.834 ms

The fields in the display are the same as those displayed by the J-Web traceroute diagnostic tool.

Example: Configuring End-to-End Debugging on SRX Series Device

This example shows how to configure a packet capture on a high-end SRX Series Firewall and enable end-to-end debugging on an SRX Series Firewall with an SRX5K-MPC.


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • SRX5600 device with an SRX5K-MPC installed with 100-Gigabit Ethernet CFP transceiver

  • Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D15 or later for SRX Series Firewalls

Before you begin:

No special configuration beyond device initialization is required before configuring this feature.


Data path debugging enhances troubleshooting capabilities by providing tracing and debugging at multiple processing units along the packet-processing path. With the data path debugging feature, you can trace and debug (capture packets) at different data points along the processing path. At each event, you can specify an action (count, packet dump, packet summary, and trace) and you can set filters to define what packets to capture.

In this example, you define a traffic filter, and then you apply an action profile. The action profile specifies a variety of actions on the processing unit. The ingress and egress are specified as locations on the processing path to capture the data for incoming and outgoing traffic.

Next, you enable data path debugging in operational mode, and finally you view the data capture report.


Data path debugging is supported on SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800.



CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

content_copy zoom_out_map
set security datapath-debug traceoptions file e2e.trace size 10m
set security datapath-debug capture-file e2e.pcap format pcap
set security datapath-debug maximum-capture-size 1500
set security datapath-debug capture-file files 10
set security datapath-debug action-profile profile-1 preserve-trace-order
set security datapath-debug action-profile profile-1 record-pic-history
set security datapath-debug action-profile profile-1 event np-ingress trace
set security datapath-debug action-profile profile-1 event np-ingress count
set security datapath-debug action-profile profile-1 event np-ingress packet-summary
set security datapath-debug action-profile profile-1 event np-egress trace
set security datapath-debug action-profile profile-1 event np-egress count
set security datapath-debug action-profile profile-1 event np-egress packet-summary
Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the Junos OS CLI User Guide .

To configure data path debugging:

  1. Edit the security datapath debugging option for the multiple processing units along the packet-processing path:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# edit security datapath-debug
  2. Enable the capture file, file format, file size, and the number of files.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security datapath-debug]
    user@host# set traceoptions file e2e.trace size 10m
    user@host# set capture-file e2e.pcap format pcap;
    user@host# set maximum-capture-size 1500
    user@host# set capture-file files 10
  3. Configure action profile, event type, and actions for the action profile.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security datapath-debug]
    user@host# set action-profile profile-1 preserve-trace-order
    user@host# set action-profile profile-1 record-pic-history
    user@host# set action-profile profile-1 event np-ingress trace
    user@host# set action-profile profile-1 event np-ingress count
    user@host# set action-profile profile-1 event np-ingress packet-summary
    user@host# set action-profile profile-1 event np-egress trace
    user@host# set action-profile profile-1 event np-egress count
    user@host# set action-profile profile-1 event np-egress packet-summary

From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security datapath-debug command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

content_copy zoom_out_map
traceoptions {
    file e2e.trace size 10m;
capture-file e2e.pcap format pcap;
maximum-capture-size 1500;
capture-file files 10;
action-profile {
    profile-1 {
        event np-ingress {
        event np-egress {

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.

Example: Configure Packet Capture for Datapath Debugging

This example shows how to configure packet capture to monitor traffic that passes through the device. Packet capture then dumps the packets into a PCAP file format that can be later examined by the tcpdump utility.



A filter is defined to filter traffic; then an action profile is applied to the filtered traffic. The action profile specifies a variety of actions on the processing unit. One of the supported actions is packet dump, which sends the packet to the Routing Engine and stores it in proprietary form to be read using the show security datapath-debug capture command.


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

content_copy zoom_out_map
set security datapath-debug capture-file my-capture 
set security datapath-debug capture-file format pcap 
set security datapath-debug capture-file size 1m 
set security datapath-debug capture-file files 5 
set security datapath-debug maximum-capture-size 400 
set security datapath-debug action-profile do-capture event np-ingress packet-dump 
set security datapath-debug packet-filter my-filter action-profile do-capture 
set security datapath-debug packet-filter my-filter source-prefix 
Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Modein the Junos OS CLI User Guide.

To configure packet capture:

  1. Edit the security datapath-debug option for the multiple processing units along the packet-processing path:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# edit security datapath-debug
  2. Enable the capture file, the file format, the file size, and the number of files. Size number limits the size of the capture file. After the limit size is reached, if the file number is specified, then the capture file will be rotated to filename x, where x is auto-incremented until it reaches the specified index and then returns to zero. If no files index is specified, the packets will be discarded after the size limit is reached. The default size is 512 kilobytes.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security datapath-debug]
    user@host# set capture-file my-capture format pcap size 1m files 5
    [edit security datapath-debug]
    user@host# set maximum-capture-size 400
  3. Enable action profile and set the event. Set the action profile as do-capture and the event type as np-ingress:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security datapath-debug]
    user@host# edit action-profile do-capture
    [edit security datapath-debug action-profile do-capture]
    user@host# edit event np-ingress
  4. Enable packet dump for the action profile:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security datapath-debug action-profile do-capture event np-ingress]
    user@host# set packet-dump
  5. Enable packet filter, action, and filter options. The packet filter is set to my-filter, the action profile is set to do-capture, and filter option is set to source-prefix

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security datapath-debug]
    user@host# set security datapath-debug packet-filter my-filter action-profile do-capture
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security datapath-debug]
    user@host#  set security datapath-debug packet-filter my-filter source-prefix

From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security datapath-debug command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

content_copy zoom_out_map
security {
    datapath-debug {    
        capture-file {
            format pcap 
            size 1m 
            files 5; 
    maximum-capture-size 100;  
    action-profile do-capture { 
        event np-ingress {
    packet-filter my-filter {  
        action-profile do-capture 

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verifying Packet Capture

Verify if the packet capture is working.


From operational mode, enter the request security datapath-debug capture start command to start packet capture and enter the request security datapath-debug capture stop command to stop packet capture.

To view the results, from CLI operational mode, access the local UNIX shell and navigate to the directory /var/log/my-capture. The result can be read by using the tcpdump utility.

Verifying Data Path Debugging Capture

Verify the details of data path debugging capture file.


From operational mode, enter the show security datapath-debug capture command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host>show security datapath-debug capture

When you are done troubleshooting, make sure to remove or deactivate all the traceoptions configurations (not limited to flow traceoptions) and the complete security datapath-debug configuration stanza. If any debugging configurations remain active, they will continue to use the device's CPU and memory resources.

Verifying Data Path Debugging Counter

Verify the details of the data path debugging counter.


From operational mode, enter the show security datapath-debug counter command.

Enabling Data Path Debugging


Step-by-Step Procedure

After configuring data path debugging, you must start the process on the device from operational mode.

  1. Enable data path debugging.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> request security datapath-debug capture start
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    datapath-debug capture started on file datapcap
  2. Before you verify the configuration and view the reports, you must disable data path debugging.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> request security datapath-debug capture stop
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    datapath-debug capture succesfully stopped, use show security datapath-debug capture to view

    You must stop the debug process after you have finished capturing the data. If you attempt to open the captured files without stopping the debug process, the files obtained cannot be opened through any third-party software (for example, tcpdump and wireshark).


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verifying Data Path Debug Packet Capture Details


Verify the data captured by enabling the data path debugging configuration.


From operational mode, enter the show security datapath-debug capture command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
Packet 8, len 152: (C2/F2/P0/SEQ:57935:np-ingress)
00 10 db ff 10 02 00 30 48 83 8d 4f 08 00 45 00
00 54 00 00 40 00 40 01 9f c7 c8 07 05 69 c8 08
05 69 08 00 91 1f 8f 03 2a a2 ae 66 85 53 8c 7d
02 00 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37
Packet 9, len 152: (C2/F2/P0/SEQ:57935:np-egress)
00 30 48 8d 1a bf 00 10 db ff 10 03 08 00 45 00
00 54 00 00 40 00 3f 01 a0 c7 c8 07 05 69 c8 08
05 69 08 00 91 1f 8f 03 2a a2 ae 66 85 53 8c 7d
02 00 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37....

For brevity, the show command output is truncated to display only a few samples. Additional samples have been replaced with ellipses (...).

To view the results, from CLI operational mode, access the local UNIX shell and navigate to the directory /var/log/<file-name>. The result can be read by using the tcpdump utility.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host>start shell
%tcpdump -nr/var/log/e2e.pcap
content_copy zoom_out_map
21:50:04.288767 C0/F3 event:1(np-ingress) SEQ:1 IP > ICMP echo request, id 57627, seq 0, length 64
21:50:04.292590 C0/F3 event:2(np-egress) SEQ:1 IP > ICMP echo request, id 57627, seq 0, length 64
1:50:04.295164 C0/F3 event:1(np-ingress) SEQ:2 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 57627, seq 0, length 64
21:50:04.295284 C0/F3 event:2(np-egress) SEQ:2 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 57627, seq 0, length 64

If you are finished with troubleshooting the data path debugging, remove all traceoptions (not limited to flow traceoptions) and the complete data path debug configuration, including the data path debug configuration for packet capturing (packet-dump), which needs to be started/stopped manually. If any part of the debugging configuration remains active, it will continue to use the resources of the device (CPU/memory).
