- play_arrow Get Started
- play_arrow Manage Your Account
- play_arrow Organization Management
- Organization and Sites Overview
- Add an Organization
- Delete an Organization
- Manage Organization Settings
- Authentication Methods Overview
- Manage Identity Providers
- Manage Roles
- Manage API Tokens
- Configure Webhooks to Receive Event Notifications in Third-Party Applications
- Enable Data Collection for LWC-connected Devices
- Integrate Your Juniper Support Resources to Your Organization
- play_arrow Site Management
- play_arrow Inventory Management
- play_arrow Support Insights Reports
- play_arrow Licensing Automation
- Licensing Overview
- About the License Dashboard Page
- Create, Rename, and Delete a Group
- About the Add to Group Tab
- Add an Entitlement to a Group
- About the Entitlements Tab
- Activate an Entitlement
- Remove an Entitlement
- About the Activations Tab
- Revoke a License
- Download and Activate a License Manually
- About the License Compliance Tab
- Resolve a Non-Compliance Issue
- play_arrow Marvis CI
- play_arrow Audit Logs
Add Users to an Organization
An administrator with the Super User role can add users to an organization and provide role-based access by sending an invitation to the user's e-mail ID. The user needs to accept the invitation to be a member of the organization.
Existing users can access their organization by using their Juniper Support Insights account.
Figure 1 illustrates the workflow for inviting a new user to an organization.
The status of the invitation is shown as Invite Pending until the user:
Accepts the invitation to get role-based access to the organization.
Rejects the invitation to access the organization.
Doesn't accept or reject the invitation within seven days. The status of such invitations is displayed as Invite Expired.
If the user accepts the invitation and has role-based access to the organization, but if the superuser wants to take away the user's access, the superuser can revoke the invitation.
If the user invitation expires, the superuser can re-invite the user or cancel the invitation.