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Multicast Protocols User Guide
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Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER) architecture supports the optimal forwarding of multicast packets without requiring a legacy multicast protocol to build multicast trees or for intermediate routers to maintain any per-multicast-flow state which simplifies control and forwarding planes.

Multicast forwarding is achieved by encapsulating the multicast packet with a BIER header at the ingress router. The BIER header contains a bit string, with each bit representing an egress router in the multicast domain. This bit is mapped from a unique ID assigned to each BIER enabled egress or ingress router. A multicast flow overlay protocol like BGP-MVPN helps the BFERs (Bit Forwarding Egress Router) communicate with the BFIRs (Bit Forwarding Ingress Router) and tell them that they need to receive certain overlay multicast traffic, so that the BFIRs can set up an overlay multicast forwarding state with appropriate BIER encapsulation information.

Benefits of BIER

BIER implementation results in considerable simplification of the multicast network, due to the elimination of:

  • the per-flow state.

  • explicit tree-building protocols.

BIER Terminology

The following terms are widely used in this topic:

Table 1: BIER terminology




Bit Index Explicit Replication.


A Bit Forwarding Router is a BIER enabled router with a unique BFR prefix and optionally, a BFR-ID . A BFR establishes router adjacencies, computes the BIER routing and forwarding tables, and forwards or replicates BIER packets. There are three types of BFRs - BFIR, BFER and transit BFR.


A Bit Forwarding Ingress Router is the first router in the BIER domain entered by a multicast packet. The BFIR adds a BIER header and forwards the packet using the BIER forwarding table.


A Bit Forwarding Egress Router is the last router that processes a BIER packet in a BIER domain. The BFER removes the BIER header before forwarding the packet.

Transit BFR

A transit Bit Forwarding Router is a router in the BIER domain that receives a multicast data packet from a BFR in the same BIER domain, and forwards the packet to another BFR within the same BIER domain.

BFR prefix

A BFR prefix is typically the configured loopback address of a BFR and must be a routable IP address in the BIER domain.


A BFR-ID is a number in the range of 1-65535. When a BFR-ID is encoded in a packet, it is converted to a Set-ID (SI) and a bit in the bit string (BSL). Any BFR that is an ingress or egress router in a BIER domain is assigned a BFR-ID. A BFR-ID must be unique within that BIER sub-domain. Each of these BFR-IDs is encoded as a bit in the bit string that is carried in the BIER header with each multicast packet.

bit string

A bit string is a part of the BIER header, with each bit representing a BFER in the multicast domain.


The length of the bit string. By default, Junos only supports 256.


Sub-domain. A BIER domain is a connected set of BFRs, each with a unique BFR-ID. A BIER domain can be divided into multiple sub-domains for various reasons. For example, it could represent a specific topology within a BIER domain.


In cases where the number of BFIRs/BFERs in the network is greater than the bitstringlength (BSL), they must be divided into multiple sets. Each set is identified by a Set-ID. However, this will require a packet to be replicated to each set. Junos currently supports 1 to 4 sets.


Forwarding Bit Mask is the property of a BFR-neighbor which represents all the BFERs that are reachable through that BFR neighbour.


The BIER Forwarding Table is used by the BFR to identify which neighbors the packet should be sent to. The BIFT is created by calculating how each BFER is reached in the IGP routing underlay. Each BIFT entry maps a BFER's BFR-ID % BSL to a BFR neighbor and its corresponding F-BM. Each BIFT is specific to a particular sub-domain and Set-Identifier (SI).

A BIFT's name is in the form of :bier-<subdomain-id>-<set-id>.bier.0.


The BIER Routing Table.

The routing protocol underlay (IS-IS for example) router advertises the BFR-prefix and sub-domain information inside IS-IS sub-TLVs which are flooded throughout the IS-IS domain. On the receiver side, IS-IS routers parse this BIER sub-domain information associated with the BFR-Prefix and derive the route and next-hop information. These routes are then installed into a routing table called BIRT.

Routes in BIRT are keyed in on BIER prefixes. A BIRT's name is in the form of :bier-<subdomain-id>.inet.9.

BIER Architecture

BIER architecture has three layers:

  • Routing underlay – The underlay establishes adjacencies between pairs of BFRs, and determines one or more optimal paths from a BFR to a set of target BFRs.

  • BIER layer - The BIER layer consists of the protocol and procedures that are used in order to transmit a multicast data packet across a BIER domain, from the BFIR to the BFERs.

  • Multicast flow overlay - The overlay consists of a set of protocols and procedures that enable the following set of functions.

    • When a BFIR receives a multicast data packet from outside the BIER domain, the BFIR must determine the set of BFERs for that packet. This information is provided by the multicast flow overlay.

    • When a BFER receives a BIER-encapsulated packet from inside the BIER domain, the BFER must determine how to forward the packet. This information is provided by the multicast flow overlay. BGP-MVPN is an example of a multicast flow overlay.
