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Multicast Protocols User Guide
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Example: Configuring MLD Snooping on EX Series Switches

date_range 23-Nov-23

You can enable MLD snooping on a VLAN to constrain the flooding of IPv6 multicast traffic on a VLAN. When MLD snooping is enabled, a switch examines MLD messages between hosts and multicast routers and learns which hosts are interested in receiving multicast traffic for a multicast group. Based on what it learns, the switch then forwards IPv6 multicast traffic only to those interfaces connected to interested receivers instead of flooding the traffic to all interfaces.

This example describes how to configure MLD snooping:


This example uses the following software and hardware components:

  • One EX Series switch

  • Junos OS Release 12.1 or later

Before you configure MLD snooping, be sure you have:

  • Configured the vlan100 VLAN on the switch

  • Assigned interfaces ge-0/0/0, ge-0/0/1, ge-0/0/2, and ge-0/0/12 to vlan100

  • Configured ge-0/0/12 as a trunk interface.

See Configuring VLANs for EX Series Switches.

Overview and Topology

In this example, interfaces ge-0/0/0, ge-0/0/1, and ge-0/0/2 on the switch are in vlan100 and are connected to hosts that are potential multicast receivers. Interface ge-0/0/12, a trunk interface also in vlan100, is connected to a multicast router. The router acts as the MLD querier and forwards multicast traffic for group ff1e::2010 to the switch from a multicast source.


The example topology is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Example MLD Snooping TopologyExample MLD Snooping Topology

In this example topology, the multicast router forwards multicast traffic to the switch from the source when it receives a memberhsip report for group ff1e::2010 from one of the hosts—for example, Host B. If MLD snooping is not enabled on vlan100, the switch floods the multicast traffic on all interfaces in vlan100 (except for interface ge-0/0/12). If MLD snooping is enabled on vlan100, the switch monitors the MLD messages between the hosts and router, allowing it to determine that only Host B is interested in receiving the multicast traffic. The switch then forwards the multicast traffic only to interface ge-0/0/1.

This example shows how to enable MLD snooping on vlan100. It also shows how to perform the following optional configurations, which can reduce group join and leave latency:

  • Configure immediate leave on the VLAN. When immediate leave is configured, the switch stops forwarding multicast traffic on an interface when it detects that the last member of the multicast group has left the group. If immediate leave is not configured, the switch waits until the group-specific membership queries time out before it stops forwarding traffic.

  • Configure ge-0/0/12 as a static multicast-router interface. In this topology, ge-0/0/12 always leads to the multicast router. By statically configuring ge-0/0/12 as a multicast-router interface, you avoid any delay imposed by the switch having to learn that ge-0/0/12 is a multicast-router interface.


To configure MLD snooping on a switch:


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure MLD snooping, copy the following commands and paste them into the switch terminal window:

content_copy zoom_out_map
set protocols mld-snooping vlan vlan100

 set protocols mld-snooping vlan vlan100 immediate-leave
set protocols mld-snooping vlan vlan100 interface ge-0/0/12 multicast-router-interface

Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure MLD snooping:

  1. Enable MLD snooping on VLAN vlan100:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit protocols]
    user@switch# set mld-snooping vlan vlan100 
  2. Configure the switch to immediately remove a group membership from an interface when it receives a leave report from the last member of the group on the interface:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit protocols]
    user@switch# set mld-snooping vlan vlan100 immediate-leave
  3. Statically configure interface ge-0/0/12 as a multicast-router interface:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit protocols]
    user@switch# set mld-snooping vlan vlan100 interface ge-0/0/12 multicast-router-interface


Check the results of the configuration:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit protocols]
user@switch# show mld-snooping
vlan vlan100 {
    interface ge-0/0/12.0 {

Verifying MLD Snooping Configuration

To verify that MLD snooping is enabled on the VLAN and the MLD snooping forwarding interfaces are correct, perform the following task:

Verifying MLD Snooping Interface Membership on VLAN vlan100


Verify that MLD snooping is enabled on vlan100 and that the multicast-router interface is statically configured:


Show the group memberships maintained by MLD snooping for vlan100:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show mld-snooping membership vlan vlan100 detail
VLAN: vlan100 Tag: 100 (Index: 8)
    Router interfaces:
        ge-0/0/12.0 static Uptime: 00:15:03
   Group: ff1e::2010
     ge-0/0/1.0 Timeout: 225 Flags: <V2-hosts>
     Last reporter: fe80::2020:1:1:3


MLD snooping is running on vlan100, and interface ge-0/0/12.0 is a statically configured multicast-router interface. Because the multicast group ff1e::2010 is listed, at least one host in the VLAN is a current member of the multicast group and that host is on interface ge-0/0/1.0.
