- play_arrow Getting Started
- play_arrow Blueprints
- play_arrow Blueprint Analytics
- What are Blueprint Analytics
- play_arrow Dashboards
- What are Blueprint Analytics Dashboards
- Configure Auto-Enabled Blueprint Analytics Dashboards
- Instantiate Predefined Blueprint Analytics Dashboard
- Create Blueprint Analytics Dashboard
- Export Blueprint Analytics Dashboard
- Import Blueprint Analytics Dashboard
- Update Blueprint Analytics Dashboard
- Delete Blueprint Analytics Dashboard
- play_arrow Anomalies
- play_arrow Probes
- play_arrow Predefined Reports
- play_arrow Root Causes
- play_arrow Staged Datacenter Blueprints
- play_arrow Physical
- play_arrow Build
- play_arrow Topology
- play_arrow Nodes
- Nodes (Datacenter)
- Create Access Switch
- Delete Node
- Update Deploy Mode (Datacenter)
- Unassign Device (Datacenter)
- Execute CLI Show Command (Data Center Blueprint)
- play_arrow Change Hostnames / Names
- Change Assigned Interface Map
- Change Assigned ASN (Datacenter)
- Change Assigned Loopback IP Address (Datacenter)
- Edit Device Properties (Datacenter)
- Update Port Channel ID Range
- View Node's Static Routes
- Update Tags on Node (Datacenter)
- play_arrow Generic Systems (Internal/External)
- play_arrow Links
- Links (Datacenter)
- play_arrow Add Links
- play_arrow Cabling Map
- play_arrow Link Speeds
- play_arrow LAG
- Update Tags on Link (Datacenter)
- Change Assigned Link IP Addresses (Datacenter)
- Update Link Properties
- Fetch LLDP Data (Datacenter)
- Delete Link (Datacenter)
- play_arrow Interfaces
- play_arrow Racks
- play_arrow Pods
- play_arrow Planes
- play_arrow Virtual
- play_arrow Virtual Networks
- What are Virtual Networks
- Create Virtual Network
- Update Virtual Network Resource Assignments
- Reset Virtual Network Resource Group Override
- Import Virtual Network
- Export Virtual Network to CSV File
- Update Virtual Network Assignments
- Move Virtual Network to Different Routing Zone
- Update Virtual Network Tags
- Change Virtual Network Description
- Change Virtual Network Details
- Delete Virtual Network
- play_arrow Routing Zones
- play_arrow Static Routes
- play_arrow Protocol Sessions
- play_arrow Virtual Infrastructure
- play_arrow Policies
- play_arrow Endpoints
- play_arrow Security Policies
- play_arrow Interface Policies
- play_arrow Routing Policies
- play_arrow Routing Zone Constraints
- play_arrow Tenants
- play_arrow Data Center Interconnect (DCI)
- play_arrow Integrated Interconnect
- play_arrow Over the Top or External Gateways
- play_arrow Settings
- Update ESI MAC msb
- play_arrow Catalog
- play_arrow Logical Devices
- play_arrow Interface Maps
- play_arrow Property Sets
- play_arrow Configlets
- play_arrow AAA Servers
- play_arrow Tags
- play_arrow Tasks
- play_arrow Connectivity Templates
- Connectivity Templates Introduction
- play_arrow Primitives
- Virtual Network (Single) Primitive
- Virtual Network (Multiple) Primitive
- IP Link Primitive
- Static Route Primitive
- Custom Static Route Primitive
- BGP Peering (IP Endpoint) Primitive
- BGP Peering (Generic System) Primitive
- Dynamic BGP Peering Primitive
- Routing Policy Primitive
- Routing Zone Constraint Primitive
- User-defined
- Pre-defined
- Create Connectivity Template for Multiple VNs on Same Interface (Example)
- Create Connectivity Template for Layer 2 Connected External Router (Example)
- Update Connectivity Template Assignments
- Update Connectivity Template
- Delete Connectivity Template
- play_arrow Fabric Settings
- play_arrow Fabric Policy
- play_arrow Severity Preferences
- play_arrow Staged Freeform Blueprints
- Freeform Introduction
- play_arrow Blueprints
- play_arrow Physical
- play_arrow Selection
- play_arrow Topology
- play_arrow Systems
- Systems Introduction (Freeform)
- Create Internal System (Freeform)
- Create External System (Freeform)
- Update Assigned Config Template(Freeform)
- Update System Name (Freeform)
- Update Hostname (Freeform)
- Change Assigned Device Profile (Freeform)
- Update System ID Assignment (Freeform)
- Update Deploy Mode (Freeform)
- Add / Remove Tags on System (Freeform)
- Delete System (Freeform)
- Device Context (Freeform)
- play_arrow Links
- play_arrow Resource Management
- Resource Management Introduction (Freeform)
- play_arrow Blueprint Resources
- play_arrow Allocation Groups
- play_arrow Local Pools
- play_arrow Catalog (Freeform)
- play_arrow Config Templates
- play_arrow Device Profiles
- play_arrow Property Sets
- play_arrow Tags
- play_arrow Tasks
- play_arrow Uncommitted Blueprints
- play_arrow Active Datacenter Blueprints
- play_arrow Time Voyager (Blueprints)
- play_arrow Devices
- Device Configuration Lifecycle
- What are Managed Devices
- Add Managed Device
- Drain Device Traffic
- Upgrade Device NOS
- Device AAA
- play_arrow Device
- play_arrow Agent
- play_arrow Pristine Config
- play_arrow Telemetry
- play_arrow Apstra ZTP
- What is Apstra ZTP
- Create User Profile for Communicating with ZTP Server
- Download and Deploy Apstra ZTP Server VM
- Configure Static Management IP Address for Apstra ZTP Server
- Replace SSL Certificate for Apstra ZTP Server GUI
- Create Vendor-specific Custom Configuration
- Configure Credentials for Apstra ZTP Server GUI
- Configure Apstra Server Connection Details
- Configure DHCP Server for Apstra ZTP
- ztp.json Keys
- Configure ztp.json with Configurator
- Configure ztp.json with CLI
- Show Apstra ZTP Logs
- Onboard Devices with Apstra ZTP
- Check ZTP Status of Devices and Services
- Reset Apstra ZTP GUI Admin Password
- Authenticate User (AZTP REST API)
- play_arrow Device Profiles
- play_arrow Design
- play_arrow Logical Devices
- play_arrow Interface Maps
- play_arrow Rack Types
- play_arrow Templates
- play_arrow Config Templates (Freeform)
- play_arrow Configlets (Datacenter)
- play_arrow Property Sets (Datacenter)
- play_arrow TCP/UDP Ports
- play_arrow Tags
- play_arrow Resources
- play_arrow Telemetry Analytics
- Telemetry Services
- Telemetry Service Registry
- Create Telemetry Service Schema
- Telemetry Collection Statistics
- Telemetry Streaming
- Apstra Telemetry Streaming Plugin for Telegraf
- Route Anomalies for a Host - Example
- Juniper Telemetry Commands
- Cisco Telemetry Commands
- Arista Telemetry Commands
- Linux Server Telemetry Command
- Debugging Telemetry
- play_arrow Exploratory Analytics
- play_arrow External Systems
- play_arrow Providers (Not SSO)
- play_arrow SSO Providers
- play_arrow Provider Role Mapping
- play_arrow Platform
- play_arrow User Management
- play_arrow Security
- play_arrow External Services
- play_arrow Streaming
- Event Log (Audit Log)
- Licenses
- play_arrow Apstra Edge
- play_arrow Apstra VM Clusters
- play_arrow Developers
- play_arrow Technical Support
- Check Apstra Versions and Patent Numbers
- play_arrow Favorites & User
- play_arrow Apstra Server Management
- Apstra Server Introduction
- Monitor Apstra Server via CLI
- Restart Apstra Server
- Reset Apstra Server VM Password
- Reinstall Apstra Server
- Apstra Database Overview
- Back up Apstra Database
- Restore Apstra Database
- Reset Apstra Database
- Migrate Apstra Database
- Replace SSL Certificate on Apstra Server with Signed One
- Replace SSL Certificate on Apstra Server with Self-Signed One
- Change Apstra Server Hostname
- FIPS 140-2 Support
- play_arrow Apstra CLI Utility
- play_arrow Guides
- play_arrow References
- play_arrow Feature Matrix
- play_arrow Devices
- play_arrow Blueprint Analytics
- play_arrow Predefined Dashboards
- play_arrow Predefined Probes
- Probe: BGP Monitoring
- Bandwidth Utilization Probe
- Critical Services: Utilization, Trending, Alerting Probe
- Device Environmental Checks Probe
- Device System Health Probe
- Device Telemetry Health Probe
- Device Traffic Probe
- Drain Traffic Anomaly Probe
- ECMP Imbalance (External Interfaces) Probe
- ECMP Imbalance (Fabric Interfaces) Probe
- ECMP Imbalance (Spine to Superspine Interfaces) Probe
- ESI Imbalance Probe
- EVPN Host Flapping Probe
- EVPN VXLAN Type-3 Route Validation Probe
- EVPN VXLAN Type-5 Route Validation Probe
- External Routes Probe
- Hot/Cold Interface Counters (Fabric Interfaces) Probe
- Hot/Cold Interface Counters (Specific Interfaces) Probe
- Hot/Cold Interface Counters (Spine to Superspine Interfaces) Probe
- Hypervisor and Fabric LAG Config Mismatch Probe (Virtual Infra) Probe
- Probe: Hypervisor and Fabric VLAN Config Mismatch
- Hypervisor MTU Mismatch Probe (Virtual Infra - NSX-T Only)
- Hypervisor MTU Threshold Check Probe (Virtual Infra)
- Hypervisor Missing LLDP Config Probe (Virtual Infra)
- Hypervisor Redundancy Checks Probe (Virtual Infra)
- Interface Flapping (Fabric Interfaces) Probe
- Interface Flapping (Specific Interfaces) Probe
- Interface Flapping (Spine to Superspine Interfaces) Probe
- Interface Policy 802.1x Probe
- LAG Imbalance Probe
- Leafs Hosting Critical Services: Utilization, Trending, Alerting Probe
- Link Fault Tolerance in Leaf and Access LAGs Probe
- MAC Monitor Probe
- MLAG Imbalance Probe
- Multiagent Detector Probe
- Optical Transceivers Probe
- Packet Discard Percentage Probe
- Spine Fault Tolerance Probe
- Total East/West Traffic Probe
- VMs without Fabric Configured VLANs Probe (Virtual Infra) Probe
- VXLAN Flood List Validation Probe
- play_arrow Probe Processors
- Accumulate Processor
- Average Processor
- BGP Session Processor
- Comparison Processor
- Environment Processor
- EVPN Type 3 Processor
- EVPN Type 5 Processor
- Extensible Service Collector Processor
- Generic Graph Collector Processor
- Generic Service Data Collector Processor
- Interface Counters Processor
- Logical Operator Processor
- MAC Processor
- Match Count Processor
- Match Percentage Processor
- Match String Processor
- Max Processor
- Min Processor
- Optical Threshold Processor
- Optical Xcvr Processor
- Periodic Average Processor
- Periodic Change Processor
- Range Processor
- Ratio Processor
- Service Collector Processor
- Set Comparison Processor
- Set Count Processor
- Standard Deviation Processor
- State Processor
- Subtract Processor
- Sum Processor
- System Utilization Processor
- Telemetry Service Health Processor
- Time in State Processor
- Traffic Monitor Processor
- Union Processor
- VXLAN Floodlist Processor
- Configlet Examples (Design)
- Apstra EVPN Support Addendum
- Apstra Server Configuration File
- Graph
- Juniper Apstra Tech Previews
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Discovery (ether_type: 0x8863)
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Session (ether_type: 0x8864)
extended_ipv4_tunnel_ingress (enterprise = 0, format = 1024)
extended_ipv6_tunnel_ingress (enterprise = 0, format = 1026)
extended_decapsulate_ingress (enterprise = 0, format = 1028)
extended_nfs_storage_transaction (enterprise = 0, format = 2001)
extended_scsi_storage_transaction (enterprise = 0, format = 2002)
sFlow IEs (Flow Samples)
The Apstra Flow collector supports the following sFlow IEs (information elements):
- sample_sequence
- source_id_type
- source_id
- sampling_rate
- sample_pool
- drops
- interface_format_input
- interface_input
- interface_format_output
- interface_output
Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) (ether_type: 0x0800)
- version
- dscp
- ecn
- total_length
- flags
- ttl
- protocol
- source_ipaddr
- destination_ipaddr
- options
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) (ether_type: 0x86dd)
- version
- dscp
- ecn
- flow_label
- payload_length
- next_header
- hop_limit
- source_ipaddr
- destination_ipaddr
- ext_route_type
- ext_route_hops
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Discovery (ether_type: 0x8863)
- code
- session_id
- ddl_proto
- type
- version
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Session (ether_type: 0x8864)
- code
- session_id
- ddl_proto
- type
- version
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- header_size
- source port
- destination port
- flags
- seq
- ack
- window
- urgent_pointer
- options
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- dst_hw_addr
- dst_proto_addr
- hw_type
- op_code
- proto_type
- src_hw_addr
- src_proto_addr
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
- error_code
- error_subcode
- hold_time
- msg_type
- route_afi
- route_safi
- router_as
- router_ip
- version
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
- v4_code
- v4_type
- v6_code
- v6_type
- conv_error_pointer
- dns_names
- dns_ttl
- echo_ext_req_flags
- echo_ext_resp_flags
- echo_ext_state
- id
- mobile_subtype
- param_error_pointer
- photuris_pointer
- redirect_next_hop
- router_advert_addrs
- router_advert_size
- router_advert_lifetime
- seq_num
- subnet_mask
- timestamp_origin
- timestamp_rx
- timestamp_tx
- traceroute_id
- traceroute_hops_out
- traceroute_hops_in
- traceroute_bandwidth_out
- traceroute_mtu_out
Inband Flow Analyzer (IFA)
- flags
- gns
- metadata_action
- metadata_frag_id
- metadata_frag_last
- metadata_frag_packet_id
- metadata_size_max
- metadata_req
- metadata_size
- metadata_ttl
Logical Link Control (LLC)
- dsap
- dsap_u
- dsap_ig
- lpdu_frame_type
- lpdu_info_seq_curr
- lpdu_info_seq_next
- lpdu_pf
- lpdu_super_frame_type
- lpdu_super_seq_next
- lpdu_unnum_frame_type
- ssap
- ssap_u
- ssap_cr
Network Service Header (NSH)
- flag_oam_bit
- metadata_type
- sfp_si
- sfp_spi
- ttl
- version
- opt_metadata_class
- opt_metadata_type
- opt_payload
sampled_ipv6 (enterprise = 0, format = 4)
- ip_protocol
- src_ip
- dst_ip
- src_port
- dst_port
- tcp_flags
- ip_priority
extended_gateway (enterprise = 0, format = 1003)
- next_hop
- router_as
- source_as
- source_peer_as
- destination_count
- destinations
- community_count
- communities
- localpref
extended_80211_rx (enterprise = 0, format = 1014)
- ssid
- bssid
- version
- channel
- speed
- rsni
- rcpi
- packet_duration
extended_80211_tx (enterprise = 0, format = 1015)
- ssid
- bssid
- version
- transmissions
- packet_duration
- retrans_duration
- channel
- speed
- power
extended_fc (enterprise = 0, format = 1018)
- t11FcRouteSrcMask
- t11FcRouteDestMask
- next_hop_t11FcRouteDomainId
- t11FcRouteType
- t11FcRouteProto
- t11FcRouteMetric
extended_L2_tunnel_egress (enterprise = 0, format = 1021
- source_mac_addr
- destination_mac_addr
- eth_type
extended_L2_tunnel_ingresss (enterprise = 0, format = 1022
- source_mac_addr
- destination_mac_addr
- eth_type
extended_ipv4_tunnel_egress (enterprise = 0, format = 1023)
- ip_protocol
- src_ip
- dst_ip
- src_port
- dst_port
- tcp_flags
- tos
extended_ipv4_tunnel_ingress (enterprise = 0, format = 1024)
- ip_protocol
- src_ip
- dst_ip
- src_port
- dst_port
- tcp_flags
- tos
extended_ipv6_tunnel_egress (enterprise = 0, format = 1025)
- ip_protocol
- src_ip
- dst_ip
- src_port
- dst_port
- tcp_flags
- ip_priority
extended_ipv6_tunnel_ingress (enterprise = 0, format = 1026)
- ip_protocol
- src_ip
- dst_ip
- src_port
- dst_port
- tcp_flags
- ip_priority
extended_ib_lrh enterprise = 0, format = 1031)
- src_vl
- src_sl
- src_dlid
- src_slid
- src_lnh
- dst_vl
- dst_sl
- dst_dlid
- dst_slid
- dest_lnh
transaction (enterprise = 0, format = 2000)
- direction
- wait
- duration
- status
- bytes_received
- bytes_send
extended_socket_ipv4 (enterprise = 0, format = 2100)
- protocol
- local_ip
- remote_ip
- local_port
- remote_port
extended_socket_ipv6 (enterprise = 0, format = 2101)
- protocol
- local_ip
- remote_ip
- local_port
- remote_port
http_request (enterprise = 0, format = 2201)
- method
- uri
- host
- referer
- useragent
- authuser
- bytes
- duration
- status
app_operation (enterprise = 0, format = 2202)
- application
- operation
- attributes
- status_descr
- req_bytes
- resp_bytes
- duration
- status
http_request (enterprise = 0, format = 2206)
- method
- protocol
- uri
- host
- referer
- useragent
- xff
- authuser
- mime-type
- req_bytes
- resp_bytes
- duration
- status
extended_nav_timing (enterprise = 0, format = 2208)
- type
- redirectCount
- navigationStart
- unloadEventStart
- unloadEventEnd
- redirectStart
- redirectEnd
- fetchStart
- domainLookupStart
- domainLookupEnd
- connectStart
- connectEnd
- secureConnectionStart
- requestStart
- responseStart
- responseEnd
- domLoading
- domInteractive
- domContentLoadedEventStart
- domContentLoadedEventEnd
- domComplete
- loadEventStart
- loadEventEnd