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Collecting Flow Records

date_range 13-Jan-21

Traffic flows can be exported in flow monitoring version 5, 8, and 9 formats for active flow monitoring. The default export format for flow monitoring records is version 5. To change the export format to flow monitoring version 8, include the version 8 statement at either the [edit forwarding-options accounting name output flow-server flow-server-address] or the [edit forwarding-options sampling output flow-server flow-server-address] hierarchy level. To change the export format to flow monitoring version 9, include the version9 template template-name statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling output flow-server flow-server-address] hierarchy level. For more information on flow record formats, see Flow Monitoring Output Formats.

To capture flow data generated by the Monitoring Services PIC, Adaptive Services PIC, or MultiServices PIC and export it to a flow server, you can use one of the following active flow monitoring methods:
