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Configuring an RFC 2544-Based Benchmarking Test

date_range 01-Dec-23

You can configure a benchmarking test to detect and measure performance attributes, such as throughput, latency, frame loss, and bursty or back-to-back frames, of network devices. An RFC 2544-based benchmarking test is performed by transmitting test packets from a device that functions as the initiator and terminator of the test. These packets are sent to a device that functions as the reflector, which receives and returns the packets back to the initiator.


The test configuration is applied only when you start the test. If you update the test configuration during the test, you have to start the test again for the updated configuration to take effect.

The following devices support RFC 2544-based benchmarking tests in either the initiator/terminator or reflector role, according to which families they support:

Table 1: RFC 2544-Based Benchmarking Tests by Role and Family Supported
Platform family
inet bridge ccc vpls
Initiator and Terminator Role
ACX Series (except for ACX5000 and ACX7000) x x x  
Reflector Role
ACX Series (except for ACX5000 and ACX7000) x x x  
ACX5000 Series   x x  
ACX7000 Series x      
MX Series x x x x
SRX300 Series and SRX550HM x      

The family type for the test is configured with the family name statement at the [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name name] hierarchy level.

You must configure a test profile and reference the test profile in a unique test name that defines the parameters for the test to be performed on a certain device. However, the test profile is required when the test mode is configured as initiation and termination. The test-profile parameter is disregarded when the test mode is configured as reflection. MX Series routers and SRX Series Firewalls support only the reflection function in the RFC 2544-based benchmarking tests. A reflection service does not use the parameters specified in the test profile.


To configure RFC2544-based benchmarking tests on MX240, MX480, MX960 Series routers with MPC1, MPC2, and the 16-port 10-Gigabit Ethernet MPC, see Enabling Support for RFC 2544-Based Benchmarking Tests on MX Series Routers.

This chapter describes how to configure a test name for an RFC 2544-based benchmarking test on an MX Series router for Layer 3 IPv4, Ethernet pseudowire, and Layer 2 bridge networks. For SRX Series Firewalls, you can only configure Layer 3 IPv4 reflection (family inet only).

Configuring a Test Name for an RFC 2544-Based Benchmarking Test for a IPv4 Network

You can configure a test name by including the test-name test-name statement at the [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking] hierarchy level. In the test name, you can configure attributes of the test iteration, such as the address family (type of service, IPv4 or Ethernet), the logical interface, and test duration that are used for a benchmarking test to be run.

To configure a test name and define its attributes for an IPv4 network:

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit services] hierarchy level.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# edit services
  2. Configure a instance.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services]
    user@host# edit rpm
  3. Configure an RFC 2544-based benchmarking test for the RPM instance.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm]
    user@host# edit rfc2544-benchmarking
  4. Define a name for the test—for example, test1. The test name identifier can be up to 32 characters in length.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking]
    user@host# edit tests test-name test1
  5. Specify the test mode for the packets that are sent during the benchmarking test. The reflect option causes the test frames to be reflected on the IPv4 network.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set mode reflect
  6. Configure the address type family for the benchmarking test. The inet option indicates that the test is run on an IPv4 service.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set family inet
  7. Configure the destination IPv4 address for the test packets. This parameter is required only if you configure IPv4 family inet. If you do not configure the destination IPv4 address, the default value of is used.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set destination-ipv4-address address 
  8. Specify the UDP port of the destination to be used in the UDP header for the generated frames. If you do not specify the UDP port, the default value of 4041 is used.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set destination-udp-port port-number
  9. (Optional) Specify the source IPv4 address to be used in generated test frames. If you do not configure the source IPv4 address for inet family, the source address of the interface is used to transmit the test frames.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set source-ipv4-address address
  10. Specify the UDP port of the source to be used in the UDP header for the generated frames. If you do not specify the UDP port, the default value of 4041 is used.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set source-udp-port port-number
  11. Specify the logical interface on which the RFC 2544-based benchmarking test is run. If you configure an inet family and the test mode to reflect the frames back on the sender from the other end, then the logical interface is used as the interface to enable the reflection service (reflection is performed on the packets entering the specified interface). If you not configure the logical interface for reflection test mode, then a lookup is performed on the source IPv4 address to determine the interface that hosts the address.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set test-interface interface-name

Configuring a Test Name for an RFC 2544-Based Benchmarking Test for an Ethernet Pseudowire

You can configure a test name by including the test-name test-name statement at the [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking] hierarchy level. In the test name, you can configure attributes of the test iteration, such as the address family (type of service, IPv4 or Ethernet), the logical interface, and test duration, that are used for a benchmarking test to be run. The test name combined with the test profile represent a single real-time performance monitoring (RPM) configuration instance.

To configure a test name and define its attributes for an Ethernet Pseudowire:

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit services] hierarchy level.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# edit services
  2. Configure an RPM service instance.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services]
    user@host# edit rpm
  3. Configure an RFC 2544-based benchmarking test for the RPM instance.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm]
    user@host# edit rfc2544-benchmarking
  4. Define a name for the test—for example, test1. The test name identifier can be up to 32 characters in length.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking]
    user@host# edit tests test-name test1
  5. Specify the test mode for the packets that are sent during the benchmarking test. The reflect option causes the test frames to be reflected on the Ethernet pseudowire.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set mode reflect
  6. Configure the address type family for the benchmarking test. The ccc option indicates that the test is run on a CCC or Ethernet pseudowire service.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set family ccc
  7. Specify the direction of the interface on which the test must be run. This parameter is valid only for a family. To enable the test to be run in the egress direction of the interface (network-to-network interface (NNI)), use the egress option. To enable the test to be run in the ingress direction of the interface (user-to-network interface (UNI)), use the ingress option.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set direction (egress | ingress)
  8. (Optional) Specify the source IPv4 address to be used in generated test frames. If you do not configure the source IPv4 address for family, the default value of is used.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set source-ipv4-address address
  9. Specify the logical interface on which the RFC 2544-based benchmarking test is run.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test1]
    user@host# set test-interface interface-name

Configuring a Test Name for an RFC 2544-Based Benchmarking Test for a Layer 2 E-LAN Service in Bridge Domain

You can configure a test name by including the test-name test-name statement at the [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking] hierarchy level. In the test name, you can configure attributes of the test iteration, such as the address family (bridge), the logical interface, and test duration, that are used for a benchmarking test to be run. The test name combined with the test profile represent a single real-time performance monitoring (RPM) configuration instance.

To configure a test name and define its attributes for a layer 2 E-LAN service in Bridge domains:

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit services] hierarchy level.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# edit services
  2. Configure an RPM service instance.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services]
    user@host# edit rpm
  3. Configure an RFC 2544-based benchmarking test for the RPM instance.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm]
    user@host# edit rfc2544-benchmarking
  4. Define a name for the test—for example, l2b-test1. The test name identifier can be up to 32 characters in length.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking]
    user@host# edit tests test-name l2b-test1
  5. Specify the source and destination MAC addresses of the test packet. Both these parameters are valid only for the bridge family.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchamrking tests test-name l2b-test1]
    user@host# set source-mac-address address destination-mac-address address
  6. Specify the service type under test. This parameter is applicable only for the bridge family.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchamrking tests test-name l2b-test1]
    user@host# set service-type elan 
  7. Specify the test mode for the packets that are sent during the benchmarking test. The reflect option causes the test frames to be reflected over the Layer 2 bridge.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name l2b-test1]
    user@host# set mode reflect
  8. Configure the address type family for the benchmarking test. The bridge option indicates that the test is run on a E-LAN service over a bridge domain.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name l2b-test1]
    user@host# set family bridge
  9. Specify the direction of the interface on which the test must be run. This parameter is valid only for a family. To enable the test to be run in the egress direction of the interface (network-to-network interface (NNI)), use the egress option. To enable the test to be run in the ingress direction of the interface (user-to-network interface (UNI)), use the ingress option.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name l2b-test1]
    user@host# set direction egress
  10. Specify the logical interface on which the RFC 2544-based benchmarking test is run.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services rpm rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name l2b-test1]
    user@host# set test-interface interface-name