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Configuring Traffic Sampling on MX, M and T Series Routers

date_range 01-Dec-23

Traffic sampling enables you to copy traffic to a Physical Interface Card (PIC) that performs flow accounting while the router forwards the packet to its original destination. You can configure the router to perform sampling in one of the following three locations:

  • On the Routing Engine, using the sampled process. To select this method, use a filter (input or output) with a matching term that contains the then sample statement.

  • On the Monitoring Services, Adaptive Services, or Multiservices PIC.

  • On an inline data path without the need for a services Dense Port Concentrator (DPC). To do this inline active sampling, you define a sampling instance with specific properties. One Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) can support only one instance; for each instance, either services PIC-based sampling or inline sampling is supported per family. Inline sampling supports version 9 and IPFIX flow collection templates.


Routing Engine based sampling is not supported on VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instances.

Configuring Firewall Filter for Traffic Sampling

To configure firewall filter for traffic sampling, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Create a firewall filter to apply to the logical interfaces being sampled by including the filter statement at the [edit firewall family family-name] hierarchy level. In the filter then statement, you must specify the action modifier sample and the action accept.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    filter filter-name {
        term term-name {
            then {

For more information about firewall filter actions and action modifiers, see the Routing Policies, Firewall Filters, and Traffic Policers User Guide.

  • Apply the filter to the interfaces on which you want to sample traffic by including the address and filter statements at the [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family family-name] hierarchy level:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    address address {
    filter {
        input filter-name;

The following prerequisites apply to M, MX, and T Series routers when you configure traffic sampling on interfaces and in firewall filters:

  • If you configure a sample action in a firewall filter for an inet or inet6 family on an interface without configuring the forwarding-options settings, operational problems might occur if you also configure port mirroring or flow-tap functionalities. In such a scenario, all the packets that match the firewall filter are incorrectly sent to the service PIC.

  • If you include the then sample statement at the [edit firewall family inet filter filter-name term term-name] hierarchy level to specify a sample action in a firewall filter for IPv4 packets, you must also include the family inet statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level or the instance instance-name family inet statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level. Similarly, if you include the then sample statement at the [edit firewall family inet6 filter filter-name term term-name] hierarchy level to specify a sample action in a firewall filter for IPv6 packets, you must also include family inet6 statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level or the instance instance-name family inet6 statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level. Otherwise, a commit error occurs when you attempt to commit the configuration.

  • Also, if you configure traffic sampling on a logical interface by including the sampling input or sampling output statements at the [edit interface interface-name unit logical-unit-number] hierarchy level, you must also include the family inet | inet6 statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level, or the instance instance-name family inet | inet6 statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level.

Configuring Traffic Sampling on a Logical Interface

To configure traffic sampling on any logical interface, enable sampling and specify a non zero sampling rate by including the sampling statement at the [edit forwarding-options] hierarchy level:

content_copy zoom_out_map

When you use Routing Engine-based sampling, specify the threshold traffic value by including the max-packets-per-second statement. The value is the maximum number of packets to be sampled, beyond which the sampling mechanism begins dropping packets. The range is from 0 through 65,535. A value of 0 instructs the Packet Forwarding Engine not to sample any packets. The default value is 1000.


When you configure active monitoring and specify a Monitoring Services, Adaptive Services, or Multiservices PIC in the output statement, or when you configure inline sampling, the max-packets-per-second value is ignored.

Specify the sampling rate by setting the values for rate and run-length (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Configuring Sampling RateConfiguring Sampling Rate

Do not configure ingress sampling on ms- logical interfaces on which PIC-based flow monitoring is enabled, which causes undesired flow monitoring behavior and might result in repeated sampling of a single packet. Starting in Junos OS Release 15.1, a commit error occurs when you try to configure ingress traffic sampling on that interface. In Junos OS Release 14.2 and earlier, the commit error does not occur, but you should not configure ingress traffic sampling on that interface.

If PIC-based flow monitoring is enabled on an ms-fpc/pic/port.logical-unit interface, a commit check error occurs when you attempt to configure ingress traffic sampling on that interface. This error occurs because a combination of ingress sampling and PIC-based flow monitoring operations on an ms- logical interface causes undesired flow monitoring behavior and might result in repeated sampling of a single packet. You must not configure ingress sampling on ms- logical interfaces on which PIC-based flow monitoring is enabled.

The rate statement specifies the ratio of packets to be sampled. For example, if you configure a rate of 10, x number of packets out of every 10 is sampled, where x=run length + 1. By default, the rate is 0, which means that no traffic is sampled.

The run-length statement specifies the number of matching packets to sample following the initial one-packet trigger event. By default, the run length is 0, which means that no more traffic is sampled after the trigger event. The range is from 0 through 20. Configuring a run length greater than 0 allows you to sample packets following those already being sampled.


The run-length and maximum-packet-length configuration statements are not supported on MX80 routers.

If you do not include the input statement, sampling is disabled.

To collect the sampled packets in a file, include the file statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling output] hierarchy level. Output file formats are discussed later in the chapter.

Disabling Traffic Sampling

To explicitly disable traffic sampling on the router, include the disable statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level:

content_copy zoom_out_map

Sampling Once

To explicitly sample a packet for active monitoring only once, include the sample-once statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level:

content_copy zoom_out_map

Setting this option avoids duplication of packets in cases where sampling is enabled at both the ingress and egress interfaces and simplifies analysis of the sampled traffic.

Preserving Prerewrite ToS Value for Egress Sampled or Mirrored Packets

Starting in Junos OS Release 14.1, you can preserve the prenormalized type-of-service (ToS) value in egress sampled or mirrored packets. Include the pre-rewrite-tos statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level.

On MPC-based interfaces, you can configure ToS rewrite either using class-of-service (CoS) configuration by including the rewrite-rules dscp rule_name statement at the [edit class-of-service interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number] hierarchy level or using firewall filter configuration by including the dscp statement at the [edit firewall family family-name filter filter-name term term-name then] hierarchy level. If ToS rewrite is configured, the egress mirrored or sampled copies contain the post-rewrite ToS values by default. With the pre-rewrite-tos configuration, you can retain the prerewrite ToS value in the sampled or mirrored packets.

  • If ToS rewrite is configured on the egress interface by using both CoS and firewall filter configuration, and if the pre-rewrite-tos statement is also configured, then the egress sampled packets contain the DSCP value set using the firewall filter configuration. However, if the pre-rewrite-tos statement is not configured, the egress sampled packets contain the DSCP value set by the CoS configuration.

  • With the pre-rewrite-tos statement, you can configure retaining prenormalization ToS values only for sampling done under family inet and family inet6.

  • This feature cannot be configured at the [edit logical-systems] hierarchy level. It can be configured only at the global level under the forwarding-option configuration.

  • When ToS rewrite is configured by using a firewall filter on both ingress and egress interfaces, the egress sampled packets contain the DSCP value set by the ingress ToS rewrite configuration if the pre-rewrite-tos statement is configured. However, if the pre-rewrite-tos statement is not configured, the egress sampled packets contain the DSCP value set by the ToS rewrite configuration for the egress firewall filter.

  • If the pre-rewrite-tos statement is configured, and a deactivate or delete operation is performed at the [edit forwarding-options] hierarchy level, pre-rewrite-tos configuration still remains active. To disable the pre-rewrite-tos configuration for such a case, you must explicitly deactivate or delete the pre-rewrite-tos statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level before performing a deactivate or delete operation at the [edit forwarding-options] hierarchy level.

Configuring Traffic Sampling Output

To configure traffic sampling output, include the following statements at the [edit forwarding-options sampling family (inet | inet6 | mpls) output] hierarchy level:

content_copy zoom_out_map
aggregate-export-interval seconds;
flow-active-timeout seconds;
flow-inactive-timeout seconds;
extension-service service-name;
    flow-server hostname {
        aggregation {
            source-destination-prefix {
        autonomous-system-type (origin | peer);
        (local-dump | no-local-dump);
        port port-number;
        source-address address;
        version format;
        version9 {
            template template-name;
    interface interface-name {
        engine-id number;
        engine-type number;
        source-address address;
    file {
        filename filename;
        files number;
        size bytes;
        (stamp | no-stamp);
        (world-readable | no-world-readable);

To configure inline flow monitoring on MX Series routers, include the inline-jflow statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling instance instance-name family (inet | inet6 | mpls) output] hierarchy level. Inline sampling exclusively supports a new format called IP_FIX that uses UDP as the transport protocol. When you configure inline sampling, you must include the version-ipfix statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling instance instance-name family (inet | inet6 | mpls) output flow-server address] hierarchy level and also at the [edit services flow-monitoring] hierarchy level. For more information about configuring inline flow monitoring, see Configuring Inline Active Flow Monitoring Using Routers, Switches or NFX250.

To direct sampled traffic to a flow-monitoring interface, include the interface statement. The engine-id and engine-type statements specify the identity and type numbers of the interface; they are dynamically generated based on the Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC), PIC, and slot numbers and the chassis type. The source-address statement specifies the traffic source.

Starting in Junos OS Release 19.3R1, to configure inline flow monitoring on Juniper Advanced Threat Prevention Cloud (ATP Cloud), include the flow-server statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling instance instance-name family (inet | inet6 | mpls) output] hierarchy level. Inline sampling exclusively supports a new format called IP_FIX that uses UDP as the transport protocol. When you configure inline sampling, you must include the version-ipfix statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling instance instance-name family (inet | inet6 | mpls) output flow-server address] hierarchy level and also at the [edit services flow-monitoring] hierarchy level.

To configure flow sampling version 9 output, you need to include the template statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling output version9] hierarchy level. For information on cflowd, see Enabling Flow Aggregation.

The aggregate-export-interval statement is described in Configuring Discard Accounting, and the flow-active-timeout and flow-inactive-timeout statements are described in Configuring Flow Monitoring.

Traffic sampling results are automatically saved to a file in the/var/tmp directory. To collect the sampled packets in a file, include the file statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling family inet output] hierarchy level:

content_copy zoom_out_map
file {
    filename filename;
    files number;
    size bytes;
    (stamp | no-stamp);
    (world-readable | no-world-readable);

Traffic Sampling Output Format

Traffic sampling output is saved to an ASCII text file. The following is an example of the traffic sampling output that is saved to a file in the/var/tmp directory. Each line in the output file contains information for one sampled packet. You can optionally display a timestamp for each line.

The column headers are repeated after each group of 1000 packets.

content_copy zoom_out_map
# Apr  7 15:48:50  
Time                    Dest           Src Dest Src Proto TOS Pkt Intf  IP   TCP
                        addr          addr port port          len num frag flags
Apr 7 15:48:54   0    0   1   0x0  84  8   0x0   0x0
Apr 7 15:48:55   0    0   1   0x0  84  8   0x0   0x0
Apr 7 15:48:56   0    0   1   0x0  84  8   0x0   0x0
Apr 7 15:48:57   0    0   1   0x0  84  8   0x0   0x0
Apr 7 15:48:58   0    0   1   0x0  84  8   0x0   0x0

To set the timestamp option for the file my-sample, enter the following:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit forwarding-options sampling output file]
user@host# set filename my-sample files 5 size 2m world-readable stamp;

Whenever you toggle the timestamp option, a new header is included in the file. If you set the stamp option, the Time field is displayed.

content_copy zoom_out_map
# Apr  7 15:48:50
# Time            Dest        Src  Dest   Src Proto  TOS   Pkt  Intf    IP   TCP
#                 addr       addr  port  port              len   num  frag flags
# Feb  1 20:31:21
#                 Dest        Src  Dest   Src Proto  TOS   Pkt  Intf    IP   TCP
#                 addr       addr  port  port              len   num  frag flags

Tracing Traffic Sampling Operations

Tracing operations track all traffic sampling operations and record them in a log file in the/var/log directory. By default, this file is named /var/log/sampled. The default file size is 128K, and 10 files are created before the first one gets overwritten.

To trace traffic sampling operations, include the traceoptions statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level:

content_copy zoom_out_map
traceoptions {
    file filename <files number> <size bytes> <match expression> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;

Traffic Sampling Examples

Example: Sampling a Single SONET/SDH Interface

The following configuration gathers statistical sampling information from a small percentage of all traffic on a single SONET/SDH interface and collects it in a file named sonet-samples.txt.

Create the filter:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit firewall family inet]
filter {
    input sample-sonet {
        then {

Apply the filter to the SONET/SDH interface:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit interfaces]
so-0/0/1 {
    unit 0 {
        family inet {
            filter {
                input sample-sonet;
            address {

Finally, configure traffic sampling:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit forwarding-options]
sampling {
    input {
        family inet {
            rate 100;
            run-length 2;
    family inet {
        output {
            file {
                filename sonet-samples.txt;
                files 40;
                size 5m;

Example: Sampling All Traffic from a Single IP Address

The following configuration gathers statistical information about every packet entering the router on a specific Gigabit Ethernet port originating from a single source IP address of, and collects it in a file named samples-172-16-92-31.txt.

Create the filter:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit firewall family inet]
filter one-ip {
    term get-ip {
        from {
        then {

Apply the filter to the Gigabit Ethernet interface:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit interfaces]
ge-4/1/1 {
    unit 0 {
        family inet {
            filter {
                input one-ip;

Finally, gather statistics on all the candidate samples; in this case, gather all statistics:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit forwarding-options]
sampling {
    input {
        family inet {
            rate 1;
    family inet {
        output {
            file {
                filename samples-172-16-92-31.txt;
                files 100;
                size 100k;

Example: Sampling All FTP Traffic

The following configuration gathers statistical information about a moderate percentage of packets using the FTP data transfer protocol in the output path of a specific T3 interface, and collects the information in a file named t3-ftp-traffic.txt.

Create a filter:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit firewall family inet]
filter ftp-stats {
    term ftp-usage {
        from {
            destination-port [ftp ftp-data];
        then {

Apply the filter to the T3 interface:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit interfaces]
t3-7/0/2 {
    unit 0 {
        family inet {
            filter {
                input ftp-stats;
            address {

Finally, gather statistics on 10 percent of the candidate samples:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit forwarding-options]
sampling {
    input {
        family inet {
            rate 10;
    family inet {
        output {
            file {
                filename t3-ftp-traffic.txt;
                files 50;
                size 1m;

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

Starting in Junos OS Release 14.1, you can preserve the prenormalized type-of-service (ToS) value in egress sampled or mirrored packets. Include the pre-rewrite-tos statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling] hierarchy level.