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Configuring Inline Active Flow Monitoring on PTX Series Routers

date_range 04-Feb-25

This topic describes how to configure inline active flow monitoring on PTX Series routers for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.

Platform and Feature Support

Table 1 lists the PTX Series platform support for various types of traffic for inline active flow monitoring.

Table 1: PTX Series Platform Support for Inline Active Flow Monitoring



PTX3000 Series

Junos OS 18.1R1—IPv4 and IPv6 traffic (both IPFIX and version 9)

Junos OS 18.2R1—MPLS, MPLS-IPv4, and MPLS-IPv6 traffic.

PTX5000 Series

Junos OS 18.1R1—IPv4 and IPv6 traffic (both IPFIX and version 9)

Junos OS 18.2R1, MPLS, MPLS-IPv4, and MPLS-IPv6 traffic.


Junos OS 17.3R1—IPv4 and IPv6 traffic (version 9 only).


Junos OS Evolved 20.3R1—IPv4, IPv6, MPLS, MPLS-IPv4, and MPLS-IPv6 traffic.


Junos OS 18.4R1—IPv4 and IPv6 traffic (both IPFIX and version 9).

Junos OS 19.4R1—MPLS, MPLS-IPv4, and MPLS-IPv6 traffic.


Junos OS Evolved 19.3R1—IPv4 and IPv6 traffic (IPFIX and version 9).

Junos OS Evolved 20.1R1—MPLS, MPLS-IPv4, and MPLS-IPv6 traffic.


Junos OS Evolved 20.4R1—IPv4, IPv6, MPLS, MPLS-IPv4, and MPLS-IPv6 traffic (IPFIX and version 9).

PTX10008 (with the JNP10008-SF3 and the JNP10K-LC1201 line card)

Junos OS Evolved 19.3R1—IPv4 and IPv6 traffic (IPFIX and version 9).

Junos OS Evolved 20.1R1—MPLS, MPLS-IPv4, and MPLS-IPv6 traffic.

PTX10008 (with the JNP10008-SF3 and the JNP10K-LC1202 line card)

Junos OS Evolved 20.3R1—IPv4, IPv6, MPLS, MPLS-IPv4, and MPLS-IPv6 traffic (IPFIX and version 9).

PTX10008 (without the JNP10008-SF3) and PTX10016

Junos OS 18.1R1—IPv4 and IPv6 traffic (both IPFIX and version 9)

Junos OS 18.2R1—MPLS, MPLS-IPv4, and MPLS-IPv6 traffic.

VRF support: Starting in Junos OS Evolved 24.2R1, we support export of IPFIX or version 9 records of inline active flow monitoring sampled packets to collectors reachable through:

  • Interfaces belonging to the mgmt_junos VRF instance.

  • WAN ports belonging to the non-default VRF instance.

You configure this feature using the routing-instance configuration statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling instance name family type output flow-server IP-address] hierarchy level. You must ensure that the collectors are reachable through the management interface. We support a maximum of four collectors for each type of VRF instance. You can configure collectors for both types of VRF instances in the same sampling configuration. However, the collectors reachable through the mgmt_junos VRF instance and the collectors reachable through the WAN ports cannot coexist under the same family, because you can specify only one source IP address per family. You can specify inet collectors, inet6 collectors, or a mix of the two types. To configure the mgmt_junos VRF instance, see Management Interface in a Non-Default Instance.

MPLS-over-UDP support: To configure inline flow monitoring for MPLS-over UDP traffic on PTX Series Routers, see Inline Active Flow Monitoring of MPLS-over-UDP Flows on PTX Series Routers. Inline active flow monitoring for MPLS-over-UDP traffic is not supported on the PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, and the PTX10008 (with the JNP10008-SF3) routers.

Collectors: Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, you can configure up to four collectors under a family for inline active flow monitoring. In previous releases of Junos OS, you could configure only one collector under a family for inline active flow monitoring. Starting in Junos OS Evolved 20.3R1, for the PTX10003 and PTX10008 (with the JNP10K-LC1201 line card and the JNP10008-SF3) routers, you can configure up to four collectors for inline active flow monitoring. Starting with Junos OS Evolved 20.4R1, for the PTX10001-36MR and the PTX10008 (with the JNP10K-LC1202 line card and the JNP10008-SF3) routers, you can configure up to four collectors for inline active flow monitoring. Starting with Junos OS Evolved 21.1R1, for the PTX10004 router, you can configure up to four collectors for inline active flow monitoring. To configure a collector under a family for inline active flow monitoring, configure the flow-server statement at the edit forwarding-options sampling-instance instance-name family (inet | inet6) output hierarchy level. To specify up to four collectors, include up to four flow-server statements.

Line Card CPU: Inline active flow monitoring is implemented on the Line Card CPU (LCPU). All the functions like flow creation, flow update, and flow records export are done by the LCPU. The flow records are sent out in either the IPFIX format or the version 9 format.

Flows: Starting with Junos OS Evolved Release 21.2R1 and Junos OS Release 21.3R1, no flows are maintained. Every sampled packet is considered to be a flow. When the sampled packet is received, the flow is created and immediately timed out as inactive, and the software exports a record to the collector. Therefore, the number of records sent to the collector is higher than before. The IPFIX and version 9 Options Template Data Record now contains 0 in the Flow Active Timeout (Element ID 36) and Flow Inactive Timeout (Element ID 37) fields. Therefore, the Options Template Data Record is not compliant with IPFIX RFC 7011. The show services accounting flow inline-jflow fpc-slot slot operational mode command now displays 0 for all of the Active Flows and Timed Out fields. The values of the various Total Flows fields are now equal to their respective Flow Packets field values. The values of the various Flows Inactive Timed Out fields are now equal to their respective Flow Packets field values. The effect of the nexthop-learning statement at the [edit services flow-monitoring version version template template-name] hierarchy level on this no-flow behavior varies depending upon the operating system. For Junos OS Evolved, we do not recommend that you configure the nexthop-learning statement, as it reduces the number of packets that can be processed. For Junos OS, you can configure the nexthop-learning statement to change this default no-flow behavior and once again create and maintain flows, then attach the template to all sampling instances associated with FPCs that require the previous behavior.

Limitations and Restrictions

The following limitations and restrictions apply to the inline active flow monitoring feature in Junos OS and Junos OS Evolved:

  • Egress MPLS filters are not supported on the PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, and the PTX10008 (with the JNP10008-SF3) routers.

  • The PTX10001-36MR router does not support multiple FPC sampling collection because it has only 1 Routing Engine.

  • True outgoing interface (OIF) reporting is not supported for egress sampling. In Junos OS Evolved, true outgoing interface (OIF) reporting is not supported for GRE de-encapsulated packets.

  • The interface type field for the true incoming interface is not part of the version 9 template because this element is not present in the version 9 export version.

  • For GRE tunnel traffic on PTX10003 routers, the physical interface is reported in the layer 2 header and is considered as one of the keys during flow creation. Therefore, when physical interfaces are moved in or out of the aggregated Ethernet bundle, a new flow is created and the old flows are timed out after a period of inactivity. Physical interface, logical interface, or the aggregated logical interface (based on the configuration) is reported as the incoming interface in export records based on the configuration.

    For GRE tunnel traffic on PTX10008 (with the JNP10008-SF3) routers, an FTI interface is configured to terminate a GRE tunnel. This interface is used during flow creation as one of the keys instead of the physical interface. Hence when a physical interface is moved in or out of an aggregated Ethernet bundle, no new flow is created as the key remains unchanged. Physical interface, logical interface, or the aggregated logical interface (based on the configuration) is reported as the incoming interface in exported records.

How to Configure Inline Active Flow Monitoring on PTX Series Routers

In this example, we configure a version-ipfix template for recording IPv4 and IPv6 traffic flows.

Configure a Template to Specify Output Properties

  1. Define the template and configure the type of flow the template should record.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services flow-monitoring]
    user@host# set version-ipfix template template-name ipv4-template
    user@host# set version-ipfix template template-name ipv6-template
    user@host# set version-ipfix template template-name mpls-template
  2. (Optional) Configure additional output properties for the template, such as flow timeout interval and template/option refresh rates, to control the flow records.

    You can use the template-refresh-rate option to configure the frequency at which the flow generator sends updates about template definitions to the flow collector either using number of packets or seconds.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services flow-monitoring]
    user@host# set version-ipfix template template-name flow-active-timeout seconds
    user@host# set version-ipfix template template-name flow-inactive-timeout seconds
    user@host# set version-ipfix template template-name template-refresh-rate (packets packets | seconds seconds)
    user@host# set version-ipfix template template-name option-refresh-rate (packets packets | seconds seconds)
  3. (Optional)

    If you are monitoring MPLS flows, that is, if the template in use is configured for the MPLS protocol family, use the tunnel-observation option to identify the types of MPLS flows.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services flow-monitoring]
    user@host# set version-ipfix template template-name tunnel-observation (ipv4 | ipv6 | mpls-over-udp)
  4. (Optional) Enable the learning of next-hop addresses so that the true outgoing interface is reported.


    Starting in Junos OS Evolved 21.2R1, we do not recommend that you enable learning of next-hop addresses, as it reduces the number of packets that can be processed. However, starting in Junos OS Release 21.3R1, you can configure the nexthop-learning statement to change the default no-flow behavior and once again create and maintain flows, then attach the template to all sampling instances associated with FPCs that require the previous behavior.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit services flow-monitoring]
    user@host# set version-ipfix template template-name nexthop-learning enable

Configure a Sampling Instance to Specify Input Properties

  1. Define the sampling instance and configure the ratio of number of packets to be sampled. For example, if you specify a rate of 10, every tenth packet (1 packet out of 10) is sampled.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit forwarding-options sampling]
    user@host# set instance instance-name input rate number
    Best Practice:

    We recommend that you use a value of 1000 or higher for MPLS flows.

  2. Configure the protocol family for the sampling instance and specify a flow collector to send the traffic aggregates.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit forwarding-options sampling]
    user@host# set instance instance-name family (inet | inet6 | mpls) flow-server hostname
  3. (Optional) Specify the UDP port for the flow collector and the template to use with the sampling instance.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit forwarding-options sampling]
    user@host# set instance instance-name family (inet | inet6 | mpls) flow-server hostname port port-number
    user@host# set instance instance-name family (inet | inet6 | mpls) flow-server hostname version-ipfix template template-name
  4. Configure inline processing of the sampled packets.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit forwarding-options sampling]
    user@host# set instance instance-name family (inet | inet6 | mpls) output inline-jflow source-address address

Assign the Sampling Instance to an FPC

  1. Assign the sampling instance to the FPC on which you want to implement flow monitoring.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit chassis]
    user@host# set fpc slot-number sampling-instance instance-name

Configure a Firewall Filter to Accept and Sample Flows

  1. Configure the firewall filter for the protocol family and enable sampling of traffic flows.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit firewall]
    user@host# set family (inet | inet6 | mpls) filter filter-name
    user@host# set family (inet | inet6 | mpls) filter filter-name term term-name then accept
    user@host# set family (inet | inet6 | mpls) filter filter-name term term-name then sample

Assign the Firewall Filter to an Interface

  1. Assign the input firewall filter to the interface you want to monitor.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces]
    user@host# set interface-name unit unit-number family (inet |inet6 | mpls) filter input filter-name

Results from a Sample Configuration

The following is an example of the sampling configuration for an instance that supports inline flow monitoring on family inet and on family inet6:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit chassis]
fpc 0 {
    sampling-instance sample-1;
content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit services]
flow-monitoring {
    version-ipfix {
        template test-template {
            flow-active-timeout 30;
            flow-inactive-timeout 60;
            nexthop-learning {
            template-refresh-rate {
                seconds 10;
        template v6 {
content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit interfaces]
et-1/0/0 {
    unit 0 {
        family inet {
            filter {
                input ipv4-filter;
                output ipv4-filter;
et-1/0/2 {
    unit 0 {
        family inet6 {
            filter {
                input ipv6-filter;
                output ipv6-filter;
            address 2001:db8:0:2::1/64;
lo0 {
    unit 0 {
        family inet {
content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit forwarding-options]
sampling {
    instance sample-1{
        ipv4 {
            input {
                rate 10;
            family inet {
                output {
                    flow-server {
                        port 2055;
                        version-ipfix {
                            template {
                    inline-jflow {
            family inet6 {
                output {
                    flow-server {
                        port 2055;
                        version-ipfix {
                            template {
                    inline-jflow {
content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit firewall]
family inet {
   filter ipv4-filter {
      term ipv4-accept {
         then { 
family inet6 {
   filter ipv6-filter {
      term ipv6-accept {
         then {

You can use the show services accounting flow command to verify active flow statistics.

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

For the PTX Series, starting with Junos OS Evolved Release 24.2R1, we support export of IPFIX or version 9 records of inline active flow monitoring sampled packets to collectors reachable through interfaces belonging to the mgmt_junos VRF instance and through WAN ports belonging to a non-default VRF instance.
For the PTX Series, starting with Junos OS Release 21.3R1, no flows are maintained. Every sampled packet is considered to be a flow. When the sampled packet is received, the flow is created and immediately timed out as inactive, and the software exports a record to the collector. Therefore, the number of records sent to the collector is higher than before.
For the PTX Series, starting with Junos OS Evolved Release 21.2R1, no flows are maintained. Every sampled packet is considered to be a flow. When the sampled packet is received, the flow is created and immediately timed out as inactive, and the software exports a record to the collector. Therefore, the number of records sent to the collector is higher than before.
Starting with Junos OS Evolved 21.1R1, for the PTX10004 router, you can configure up to four collectors for inline active flow monitoring.
Starting with Junos OS Evolved 20.4R1, for the PTX10001-36MR and the PTX10008 (with the JNP10K-LC1202 line card and the JNP10008-SF3) routers, you can configure up to four collectors for inline active flow monitoring.
Starting in Junos OS Evolved 20.3R1, for the PTX10003 and PTX10008 (with the JNP10K-LC1201 line card and the JNP10008-SF3) routers, you can configure up to four collectors for inline active flow monitoring.
Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, you can configure up to four collectors under a family for inline active flow monitoring. In previous releases of Junos OS, you could configure only one collector under a family for inline active flow monitoring.