- play_arrow Flow Monitoring and Flow Collection Services
- play_arrow Understanding Flow Monitoring
- play_arrow Monitoring Traffic Using Active Flow Monitoring
- Configuring Active Flow Monitoring
- Active Flow Monitoring System Requirements
- Active Flow Monitoring Applications
- Active Flow Monitoring PIC Specifications
- Active Flow Monitoring Overview
- Active Flow Monitoring Overview
- Example: Configuring Active Monitoring on an M, MX or T Series Router’s Logical System
- Example: Configuring Flow Monitoring on an MX Series Router with MS-MIC and MS-MPC
- Configuring Services Interface Redundancy with Flow Monitoring
- Configuring Inline Active Flow Monitoring Using Routers, Switches or NFX250
- Configuring Flow Offloading on MX Series Routers
- Configuring Active Flow Monitoring on PTX Series Packet Transport Routers
- Configuring Actively Monitored Interfaces on M, MX and T Series Routers
- Collecting Flow Records
- Configuring M, MX and T Series Routers for Discard Accounting with an Accounting Group
- Configuring M, MX and T Series Routers for Discard Accounting with a Sampling Group
- Configuring M, MX and T Series Routers for Discard Accounting with a Template
- Defining a Firewall Filter on M, MX and T Series Routers to Select Traffic for Active Flow Monitoring
- Processing IPv4 traffic on an M, MX or T Series Router Using Monitoring services, Adaptive services or Multiservices Interfaces
- Replicating M, MX and T Series Routing Engine-Based Sampling to Multiple Flow Servers
- Replicating Version 9 Flow Aggregation From M, MX and T Series Routers to Multiple Flow Servers
- Configuring Routing Engine-Based Sampling on M, MX and T Series Routers for Export to Multiple Flow Servers
- Example: Copying Traffic to a PIC While an M, MX or T Series Router Forwards the Packet to the Original Destination
- Configuring an Aggregate Export Timer on M, MX and T Series Routers for Version 8 Records
- Example: Sampling Configuration for M, MX and T Series Routers
- Associating Sampling Instances for Active Flow Monitoring with a Specific FPC, MPC, or DPC
- Example: Sampling Instance Configuration
- Example: Sampling and Discard Accounting Configuration on M, MX and T Series Routers
- play_arrow Monitoring Traffic Using Passive Flow Monitoring
- Passive Flow Monitoring Overview
- Passive Flow Monitoring System Requirements for T Series, M Series and MX Series Routers
- Passive Flow Monitoring Router and Software Considerations for T Series, M Series and MX Series Routers
- Understanding Passive Flow Monitoring on T Series, M Series and MX Series Routers
- Enabling Passive Flow Monitoring on M Series, MX Series or T Series Routers
- Configuring Passive Flow Monitoring
- Example: Passive Flow Monitoring Configuration on M, MX and T Series Routers
- Configuring a Routing Table Group on an M, MX or T Series Router to Add Interface Routes into the Forwarding Instance
- Using IPSec and an ES PIC on an M, MX or T Series Router to Send Encrypted Traffic to a Packet Analyzer
- Applying a Firewall Filter Output Interface on an M, MX or T Series Router to Port-mirror Traffic to PICs or Flow Collection Services
- Monitoring Traffic on a Router with a VRF Instance and a Monitoring Group
- Specifying a Firewall Filter on an M, MX or T Series Router to Select Traffic to Monitor
- Configuring Input Interfaces, Monitoring Services Interfaces and Export Interfaces on M, MX or T Series Routers
- Establishing a VRF Instance on an M, MX or T Series Router for Monitored Traffic
- Configuring a Monitoring Group on an M, MX or T Series Router to Send Traffic to the Flow Server
- Configuring Policy Options on M, MX or T Series Routers
- Stripping MPLS Labels on ATM, Ethernet-Based and SONET/SDH Router Interfaces
- Using an M, MX or T Series Router Flow Collector Interface to Process and Export Multiple Flow Records
- Example: Configuring a Flow Collector Interface on an M, MX or T Series Router
- play_arrow Processing and Exporting Multiple Records Using Flow Collection
- play_arrow Logging Flow Monitoring Records with Version 9 and IPFIX Templates for NAT Events
- Understanding NAT Event Logging in Flow Monitoring Format on an MX Series Router or NFX250
- Configure Active Flow Monitoring Logs for NAT44/NAT64
- Configuring Log Generation of NAT Events in Flow Monitoring Record Format on an MX Series Router or NFX250
- Exporting Syslog Messages to an External Host Without Flow Monitoring Formats Using an MX Series Router or NFX250
- Exporting Version 9 Flow Data Records to a Log Collector Overview Using an MX Series Router or NFX250
- Understanding Exporting IPFIX Flow Data Records to a Log Collector Using an MX Series Router or NFX250
- Mapping Between Field Values for Version 9 Flow Templates and Logs Exported From an MX-Series Router or NFX250
- Mapping Between Field Values for IPFIX Flow Templates and Logs Exported From an MX Series Router or NFX250
- Monitoring NAT Events on MX Series Routers by Logging NAT Operations in Flow Template Formats
- Example: Configuring Logs in Flow Monitoring Format for NAT Events on MX Series Routers for Troubleshooting
- play_arrow Flow Capture Services
- play_arrow Dynamically Capturing Packet Flows Using Junos Capture Vision
- play_arrow Detecting Threats and Intercepting Flows Using Junos Flow-Tap and FlowTapLite Services
- Understanding the FlowTap and FlowTapLite Services
- Understanding FlowTap and FlowTapLite Architecture
- Configuring the FlowTap Service on MX Series Routers
- Configuring a FlowTap Interface on MX Series Routers
- Configuring FlowTap and FlowTapLite Security Properties
- FlowTap and FlowTapLite Application Restrictions
- Examples: Configuring the FlowTapLite Application on MX Series and ACX Series Routers
- Configuring FlowTapLite on MX Series Routers and M320 Routers with FPCs
- play_arrow Inline Monitoring Services and Inband Network Telemetry
- play_arrow Inline Monitoring Services
- play_arrow Flow-Based Telemetry
- play_arrow Inband Flow Analyzer 2.0
- play_arrow Juniper Resiliency Interface
- play_arrow Sampling and Discard Accounting Services
- play_arrow Sampling Data Using Traffic Sampling and Discard Accounting
- play_arrow Sampling Data Using Inline Sampling
- Understand Inline Active Flow Monitoring
- Configuring Inline Active Flow Monitoring Using Routers, Switches or NFX250
- Configuring Inline Active Flow Monitoring on MX80 and MX104 Routers
- Configuring Inline Active Flow Monitoring on PTX Series Routers
- Inline Active Flow Monitoring of MPLS-over-UDP Flows on PTX Series Routers
- Inline Active Flow Monitoring on IRB Interfaces
- Example: Configuring Inline Active Flow Monitoring on MX Series and T4000 Routers
- play_arrow Sampling Data Using Flow Aggregation
- Understanding Flow Aggregation
- Enabling Flow Aggregation
- Configuring Flow Aggregation on MX, M and T Series Routers and NFX250 to Use Version 5 or Version 8 cflowd
- Configuring Flow Aggregation on MX, M, vMX and T Series Routers and NFX250 to Use Version 9 Flow Templates
- Configuring Flow Aggregation on PTX Series Routers to Use Version 9 Flow Templates
- Configuring Inline Active Flow Monitoring to Use IPFIX Flow Templates on MX, vMX and T Series Routers, EX Series Switches, NFX Series Devices, and SRX Series Firewalls
- Configuring Flow Aggregation to Use IPFIX Flow Templates on PTX Series Routers
- Configuring Observation Domain ID and Source ID for Version 9 and IPFIX Flows
- Configuring Template ID and Options Template ID for Version 9 and IPFIX Flows
- Including Fragmentation Identifier and IPv6 Extension Header Elements in IPFIX Templates on MX Series Routers
- Directing Replicated Flows from M and T Series Routers to Multiple Flow Servers
- Logging cflowd Flows on M and T Series Routers Before Export
- Configuring Next-Hop Address Learning on MX Series and PTX Series Routers for Destinations Accessible Over Multiple Paths
- play_arrow Configuration Statements and Operational Commands
Understanding RFC 2544-Based Benchmarking Tests on MX Series Routers and SRX Series Firewalls
The RFC 2544-based benchmarking test methodology assesses different parameters that are defined in service-level agreements (SLAs). By measuring the performance availability, transmission delay, link bursts, and service integrity, a carrier provider can certify that the working parameters of the deployed Ethernet circuit comply with the SLA and other defined policies.
RFC 2544 defines a series of tests that can be used to describe the performance characteristics of a network-interconnecting device, such as a router, and outlines specific formats to report the results of the tests. These tests can be used to benchmark interconnected network devices and devise a guideline or a measurement pattern to analyze the health and efficiency of the network devices. These tests are the standard benchmarking tests for Ethernet networks and are known as RFC 2544-based benchmarking tests. These tests measure throughput, latency, frame loss rate, and bursty frames. The test methodology enables you to define various parameters such as the different frame sizes to be examined (64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, and 1518 bytes), the test time for each test iteration (10 seconds through 1,728,000 seconds), and the frame format (UDP-over-IP).
An RFC 2544-based benchmarking test is performed by transmitting test packets from a device that functions as the generator or the initiator (which is also called the originator). These packets are sent to a device that functions as a reflector, which receives and returns the packets to the initiator.
MX Series routers and SRX Series Firewalls support only the reflector function in RFC 2544-based benchmarking tests. ACX Series routers support the initiator function in RFC 2544-based benchmarking tests. See RFC 2544-Based Benchmarking Tests for ACX Routers Overview.
RFC 2544-based benchmarking tests support only UDP over IPv4 test traffic (unicast).
Starting from Junos OS Release 15.1, MX104 Series routers also perform verification of
signatures on the received test frames. Starting in Junos OS Release 21.1R1, SRX300 and
SRX550HM devices perform verification of signatures on the received test frames. By
default, when the router or device receives a test packet that does not have the
signature pattern, the packet is dropped. If you generate test traffic using a
third-party vendor tool instead of an ACX Series router, you can disable signature
verification. To disable signature verification, configure the
statement at the [edit services rpm
rfc2544-benchmarking tests test-name test-name] hierarchy level.
For MX80 and MX104 Universal Routing Platforms and, starting from Junos OS Release 16.1, MX240, MX480, and MX960 Universal Routing Platforms with MPC1 (MX-MPC1-3D), MPC2 (MX-MPC2-3D), and the 16-port 10-Gigabit Ethernet MPC (MPC-3D-16XGE-SFP), support the reflector function and the corresponding benchmarking tests.
Starting from Junos OS Release 17.1R1, the reflector function and the corresponding benchmarking tests are supported on MX Series routers with MPC3E (MX-MPC3E-3D), MPC3E-NG (MX-MPC3E-3D-NG), MPC4E (MPC4E-3D-32XGE-SFPP and MPC4E-3D-2CGE-8XGE), MPC5E (MPC5E-40G10G, MPC5EQ-40G10G, MPC5E-100G10G, and MPC5EQ-100G10G), and MPC6E (MX2K-MPC6E).
Starting in Junos OS Release 20.2R1, the RFC 2544-based benchmarking tests are supported on MX240, MX480, and MX960 routers with the MPC10E (MPC10E-15C-MRATE and MPC10E-10C-MRATE) line card and on MX2010 and MX2020 routers with the MX2K-MPC11E line card.
Junos OS Release 20.3R1 extends support for the RFC 2544-based benchmarking tests onto the MX240, MX480, and MX960 routers with the MPC7E-MRATE or MPC7E-10G line card, onto the MX2008, MX2010, and MX2020 routers with the MX2K-MPC8E or MX2K-MPC9E line card, and onto the MX204 and MX10003 (with the LC2103 card) routers.
Starting in Junos OS Release 21.1R1, the IPv4 Layer 3 reflector function and the corresponding benchmarking tests are supported on the SRX300 and SRX550HM devices.
To configure RFC2544-based benchmarking tests on MX Series routers, see Enabling Support for RFC 2544-Based Benchmarking Tests on MX Series Routers.
Table 1 describes the different MX network topologies in which the benchmarking test is supported.
Service Type | Traffic Direction | Mode | Initial Release on MX104 Series Routers | Initial Release on MX204, MX2008, and MX10003 Series Routers | Initial Release on MX240, MX480, and MX960 Series Routers | Initial Release on MX2010 and MX2020 Series Routers | Whether the Benchmarking Test Is Supported |
E-Line (family | (UNI) Egress (UNI) Ingress | Port Port, VLAN | 14.2R1 (E-Line family 17.1R1 | 20.3R1 20.3R1 | 16.1R1 17.1R1 | 20.2R1 20.2R1 | Supported |
E-LAN (family | (UNI) Egress (UNI) Ingress | Port Port, VLAN | 14.2R1 (E-LAN family 15.1R1 (E-LAN family 17.1R1 | 20.3R1 20.3R1 | 16.1R1 17.1R1 | 20.2R1 20.2R1 | Supported |
E-Line (family | Ingress Egress | Port Port, VLAN | 13.3R1 (E-Line pseudowire) | 20.3R1 20.3R1 | 16.1R1 | 20.2R1 | Supported |
IP Services (family | NNI | Port Port, VLAN | 13.3R1 | 20.3R1 | 16.1R1 | 20.2R1 | Supported |
You can configure a total of four simultaneous active reflection sessions. The four active reflection sessions can be of the same type or can be a combination of the different types of reflection sessions. For instance, you can configure either four IPv4 reflection sessions or one session each for pseudowire reflection, VPLS reflection, Layer 2 reflection, and IPv4 reflection. The maximum reflection bandwidth supported is 4 Gbps in a standalone test condition. Starting in Junos OS Release 20.2R1, MPC10E and MX2K-MPC11E support a maximum reflection bandwidth of 100 Gbps.
Table 2 lists the interfaces and the reflection type on which the benchmarking tests are supported.
Type of Reflection | Gigabit Interfaces (ge) | Aggregated Interfaces (ae) | 40G/100G interfaces (et) for MPC10E and MX2K-MPC11E | 10G Interfaces (xe) | Pseudo Interfaces (irb, lt, vt, lo0, and others) |
IPv4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Pseudowire ingress | Yes | Yes | Yes | yes | No |
Pseudowire egress | Yes | Yes (starting in Junos OS Release 15.1) | Yes | Yes (starting in Junos OS Release 15.1) | No |
Layer 2 bridge | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Layer 2 VPLS | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
All active RFC2544-based benchmarking tests are stopped when any of the following events take place:
System events, such as Packet Forwarding Engine restarts, Routing Engine restarts, and so on.
Test interface change events, such as deactivation and reactivation of the interface, disabling and enabling of the interface, child link events for aggregated interfaces and so on.
After the benchmarking tests are stopped, the test states of the tests are removed and the user can restart the same test. Other ongoing tests on other interfaces are not interrupted.
RFC2544-based benchmarking tests are not supported during an unified in-service software upgrade (ISSU) or a graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES).
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.