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Example: Configuring Per-Unit Schedulers for Channelized Interfaces

You can configure per-unit scheduling on T1 and DS0 physical interfaces configured on channelized DS3 and STM1 IQ PICs. To enable per-unit scheduling, configure the per-unit-scheduler statements at the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level.

When per-unit scheduling is enabled on the channelized PICs, you can associate a scheduler map with the physical interface. For more information about configuring scheduler maps, see Configuring Scheduler Maps.


If you configure the per-unit-scheduler statement on the physical interface of a 4-port channelized OC-12 IQ PIC and configure 975 logical interfaces or data link connection identifiers (DLCIs), some of the logical interfaces or DLCIs will drop all packets intermittently.

The following example configures per-unit scheduling on a channelized DS3 PIC and an STM1 IQ PIC.