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Default Junos OS CoS Settings

If you do not configure any CoS settings on your router, the software performs some CoS functions to ensure that user traffic and protocol packets are forwarded with minimum delay when the network is experiencing congestion. Some default mappings are automatically applied to each logical interface that you configure. Other default mappings, such as explicit default classifiers and rewrite rules, are in operation only if you explicitly associate them with an interface.

You can display default CoS settings by issuing the show class-of-service operational mode command. This section includes sample output displaying the default CoS settings. The sample output is truncated for brevity.

show class-of-service


Some platforms require an argument after the show class-of-service command. The argument is to select a portion of the following output to display.

Default Forwarding Classes

Default Code-Point Aliases

Default Classifiers

Default Frame Relay Loss Priority Map

Default Rewrite Rules

Default Drop Profile

Default Schedulers