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flow-active-timeout (Flow Monitoring)

date_range 03-Jun-24


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flow-active-timeout seconds;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit forwarding-options accounting name output],
[edit forwarding-options monitoring name output],
[edit forwarding-options sampling instance instance-name family (inet |inet6 |mpls | vpls) output],
[edit forwarding-options sampling family (inet |inet6 |mpls |vpls) output],
[edit services flow-monitoring version9 template template-name],
[edit services flow-monitoring version-ipfix template template-name],
[edit services flow-monitoring version9 template template-name],
[edit services flow-monitoring version-ipfix template template-name]


Set the interval after which an active flow is exported.

  • The router must include an Adaptive Services, Multiservices, or Monitoring Services PIC for this statement to take effect.

  • For Trio-based routers, if you configure the inline-jflow statement at the [edit forwarding-options sampling instance instance-name family inet output] hierarchy level, timed-out flows are exported even if the router does not contain a Multiservices card.


seconds—Duration of the timeout period.

  • Range: 60 through 1800 seconds (for forwarding-options configurations); 10 through 600 seconds (for services configurations)

  • Default: 1800 seconds (for forwarding-options configurations); 60 seconds (for services configurations)


In active flow monitoring, the cflowd or flow monitoring version 9 records are exported after a time period that is a multiple of 60 seconds and greater than or equal to the configured active timeout value. For example, if the active timeout value is 90 seconds, the cflowd or flow monitoring version 9 records are exported at 120-second intervals. If the active timeout value is 150 seconds, the cflowd or flow monitoring version 9 records are exported at 180-second intervals, and so forth.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Support at the [edit services flow-monitoring version-ipfix template template-name] hierarchy level added in Junos OS Release 10.2.

Support at the [edit services flow-monitoring version9 template template-name] hierarchy level added in Junos OS Release 16.1 for MPLS traffic flows.
