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Policer Support for Aggregated Ethernet Interfaces Overview

date_range 24-Nov-23

Aggregated interfaces support single-rate policers, three-color marking policers, two-rate three-color marking policers, hierarchical policers, and percentage-based policers. By default, policer bandwidth and burst-size applied on aggregated bundles is not matched to the user-configured bandwidth and burst-size.

You can configure interface-specific policers applied on an aggregated Ethernet bundle or an aggregated SONET bundle to match the effective bandwidth and burst-size to user-configured values. The shared-bandwidth-policer statement is required to achieve this match behavior.

This capability applies to all interface-specific policers of the following types: single-rate policers, single-rate three-color marking policers, two-rate three-color marking policers, and hierarchical policers. Percentage-based policers match the bandwidth to the user-configured values by default, and do not require shared-bandwidth-policer configuration. The shared-bandwidth-policer statement causes a split in burst-size for percentage-based policers.


This feature is supported on the following platforms: T Series routers (excluding T4000 Type 5 FPCs), M120, M10i, M7i (CFEB-E only), M320 (SFPC only), MX240, MX480, and MX960 with DPC, MIC, and MPC interfaces, and EX Series switches.

The following usage scenarios are supported:

  • Interface policers used by the following configuration:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit] interfaces (aeX | asX) unit unit-num family  family policer [input | output | arp]
  • Policers and three-color policers (both single-rate three-color marking and two-rate three-color marking) used inside interface-specific filters; that is, filters that have an interface-specific keyword and are used by the following configuration:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit] interfaces (aeX | asX) unit unit-num family family filter [input | output]
  • Common-edge service filters, which are derived from CLI-configured filters and thus inherit interface-specific properties. All policers and three-color policers used by these filters are also affected.

The following usage scenarios are not supported:

  • Policers and three-color policers used inside filters that are not interface specific; such a filter is meant to be shared across multiple interfaces.

  • Any implicit policers or policers that are part of implicit filters; for example, the default ARP policer applied to an aggregate Ethernet interface. Such a policer is meant to be shared across multiple interfaces.

  • Prefix-specific action policers.

To configure this feature, include the shared-bandwidth-policer statement at the following hierarchy levels: [edit firewall policer policer-name], [edit firewall three-color-policer policer-name], or [edit firewall hierarchical-policer policer-name].
