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Apply a Frequency Profile

Frequency profiles are applied to Paragon Insights device groups or network groups. When you create or edit a device or network group, you apply frequency profiles by selecting them in the Advanced section of the Edit Device Group page. The following steps describe how you can apply frequency profiles on an existing device group. You can also follow the same steps while creating a device group.

To apply a frequency profile on a device group:

  1. Go to Configuration > Device Groups.

    In the Device Group Configuration page, select a device group.

  2. Click on the pencil icon to edit the selected device group.
  3. Click on Advanced and select a frequency profile from the drop-down menu in the Ingest Frequency Profiles field.
  4. Click Save to only save the changes and Save and Deploy to deploy the frequency profile for the rules applied on the device group.
Best Practice:

It is strongly recommended that you only apply frequency profiles to rules that make use of the Offset Time Unit feature.

The following steps describe how you can apply frequency profiles on an existing network group. You can also follow the same steps while creating a network group.

To apply a frequency profile on a network group:

  1. Go to Configuration > Network Group.

    In the Network Configuration page, select a network group.

  2. Click on the pencil icon to edit the selected device group.

    The Edit Network page appears.

  3. Select a frequency profile from the drop-down menu in the Ingest Frequency Profiles field.

  4. Click Save to only save the changes and Save and Deploy to deploy the frequency profile for the rules applied on the device group.