- play_arrow Introduction
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Access the Paragon Automation GUI
- play_arrow Access the Paragon Planner
- play_arrow Configure SMTP, LDAP, and Portal Settings
- play_arrow Manage Users
- play_arrow Manage Roles
- play_arrow Manage User Groups
- play_arrow Identity Providers
- play_arrow Workflows
- play_arrow Base Platform
- play_arrow Paragon Pathfinder
- play_arrow Paragon Planner
- play_arrow Paragon Insights
- play_arrow Manage Devices and Network
- play_arrow Devices
- play_arrow Device Groups
- play_arrow Device Images
- play_arrow Network
- play_arrow Network Groups
- play_arrow Topology Filter
- play_arrow Manage Device Templates and Configuration Templates
- play_arrow Configuration Templates
- Configuration Templates Overview
- Configuration Templates Workflow
- About the Configuration Templates Page
- Add Configuration Templates
- Preview and Render a Configuration Template
- Assign Configuration Templates to a Device Template
- Deploy a Configuration Template to a Device
- Edit, Clone, and Delete a Configuration Template
- play_arrow Device Templates
- play_arrow Manage Playbook, Rules, Resources, and Graphs
- play_arrow Playbooks
- play_arrow Rules
- Understand Paragon Insights Topics
- Rules Overview
- About the Rules Page
- Add a Predefined Rule
- Edit, Clone, Delete, and Download Rules
- Configure a Custom Rule in Paragon Automation GUI
- Configure Paragon Insights Notification for LSP Gray Failures
- Configure Multiple Sensors per Device
- Understand Sensor Precedence
- Configure Sensor Precedence
- play_arrow Resources
- Understand Root Cause Analysis
- About the Resources Page
- Add Resources for Root Cause Analysis
- Configure Dependency Between Resources
- Example Configuration: OSPF Resource Dependency
- Edit Resources and Dependencies
- Upload Resources
- Download Resources
- Clone Resources
- Delete User-Generated Resources and Dependencies
- Filter Resources
- play_arrow Graphs
- play_arrow Grafana
- play_arrow Manage Sensor Settings, Insights Settings, and Data Summarization Profiles
- play_arrow Sensor Settings
- Sensors Overview
- About the Ingest Settings Page
- Configure NetFlow Settings
- Configure a Rule Using Flow Sensor
- About the Frequency Profiles
- Manage Frequency Profiles
- Apply a Frequency Profile
- Configure Offset Time
- Configure a Rule Using Server Monitoring Sensor
- Configure Native GPB Ingest
- Configure sFlow Settings
- Configure SNMP Ingest
- Configure a Rule Using SNMP Scalar
- Configure SNMP Trap and Inform Notifications
- Configure Outbound SSH Port for iAgent
- Configure System Log Ingest
- System Log Optional Configurations
- Configure a Rule Using Syslog
- Understand Inband Flow Analyzer 2.0
- Configure Device Details for Inband Flow Analyzer Devices
- Delete an Inband Flow Analyzer Device
- Understand Bring Your Own Ingest
- Load BYOI Default Plug-ins
- Configure Bring Your Own Ingest Default Plug-in Instances
- Build and Load BYOI Custom Plug-in Images
- Configure Bring Your Own Ingest Custom Plug-in Instances
- Use Sample Rule and Playbook Configurations for BYOI Custom Plug-in Instances
- Configure Ingest Mapping for Default BYOI Plug-in Instances
- Delete a BYOI Plug-in
- About the Diagnostics Page
- Use the Self Test Tool
- Use the Reachability Test
- Use the Ingest Test Tool
- Use the No-Data Tool
- Paragon Insights Tagging Overview
- Types of Tagging
- Add a Tagging Profile
- Apply a Tagging Profile
- Delete a Tagging Profile
- Understand User-Defined Actions and Functions
- Modify User-Defined Action, Function, and Workflow Engines
- Enable UDA Scheduler in Trigger Action
- Understand kube-state-metrics Service
- play_arrow Insights Settings
- About the Insights Settings Page
- Add Alert Blackouts
- About Alert Notifications
- Use Exim4 for E-mails
- Configure the Exim4 Agent to Send E-mail
- Configure a Notification Profile
- Enable Alert Notifications for Device Groups and Network Groups
- Configure Report Settings
- Configure Scheduler Settings
- Configure a Retention Policy
- Configure Destination Settings
- Time Series Database (TSDB) Overview
- Manage Time Series Database Settings
- Backup and Restore the TSDB
- Time Series Database Replication Scenarios
- play_arrow Data Summarization Profiles
- play_arrow Monitoring
- play_arrow Monitor Network Health
- play_arrow Manage Alarms and Alerts
- play_arrow Monitor Jobs
- play_arrow Analytics
- play_arrow Monitor Workflows
- play_arrow Reports
- play_arrow Health Reports
- play_arrow Network Reports
- play_arrow Maintenance Reports
- play_arrow Inventory Reports
- play_arrow Demand Reports
- play_arrow Administration
- play_arrow Manage E-mail Templates
- play_arrow Manage Audit Logs
- play_arrow Configure External EMS
- play_arrow Manage Task Scheduler
- play_arrow Manage Security Settings
- play_arrow License Management
Add and Remove LSP Delegation
You can use the Configure LSP Delegation page (Network > Toplogy > Tunnel tab > Delegation > Configure Delegation) to delegate the management of Path Computation Client-controlled label-switched paths (PCC-controlled LSPs) to the Path Computation Element (PCE). After delegation, these LSPs are managed by the PCE and are classified as PCC-delegated LSPs. You can also return the control of these LSPs to the PCC by removing the delegation, and these LSPs are then re-classified as PCC-controlled LSPs.
Add LSP Delegation
To delegate one or more LSPs to the PCE:
For LSPs that were manually created by using the CLI of IOS-XR devices, you must run device collection before doing any LSP delegation. See Add a Device Collection Task.
Remove LSP Delegation
Undelegating LSPs from the PCE is not the same as the temporary removal you achieve when you right-click a tunnel in the Tunnel tab of the network information table and select Return Delegation to PCC. In that case, control is temporarily returned to the PCC for a period of time based on the router’s timer statement.
To undelegate one or more LSPs from the PCE: