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Mist Premium Analytics Trial License

Read Juniper Mist Subscriptions for details about subscription options.

Create Support Ticket for Trial Premium Analytics License

You can get a trial license for Premium Analytics by opening a support ticket in the Juniper Mist portal. When you receive the license, contact your sale representative to activate it and start using Premium Analytics.
To create a support ticket for a trial license:
  1. On the Juniper Mist™ portal, click the question icon near the top-right corner of page and select Support Tickets.
  2. On the Support Tickets page, click Create a Ticket.
  3. On the New Ticket page, complete these fields:
    • Ticket Type—Select Subscriptions from the drop-down menu.
    • Ticket Summary—Enter a brief description.
    • Description—Enter your organization name, organization ID, reports you are looking for, and e-mail address of each person requiring the access.
    The Juniper Mist support provides a trial license for the Premium Analytics feature for your organization, and your sales representative can activate it for you.