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show services accounting flow

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show services accounting flow 
<inline-jflow fpc-slot slot-number | logical-system (all | logical-system) | name (* | all | service-name)>


Display active flow statistics.



Display active flow statistics for all service instances.

logical-system (all | logical-system)

(Optional) Display active flow statistics for the specified logical system or all logical systems on the device.

inline-jflow (fpc-slot slot-number)

(Optional) Display inline flow statistics for the specified FPC.

For PTX Series, starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 21.2R1 and Junos OS Release 21.3R1, every sampled packet is considered to be a flow. When the sampled packet is received, the flow is created and immediately timed out as inactive, and the software exports a record to the collector. Therefore, when you specify this option, the command now displays 0 for all of the various Active Flows and Timed Out fields. The values of the various Total Flows fields are now equal to their respective Flow Packets field values. The values of the various Flows Inactive Timed Out fields are now equal to their respective Flow Packets field values.

name (* | all | service-name)

(Optional) Display services accounting active flow statistics. Use a wildcard character, specify all services, or provide a specific service name.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services accounting flow command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services accounting flow Output Fields

Output Field

Output Field Description

Service Accounting interface

Name of the service accounting interface.

Local interface index

Index counter of the local interface.

Service name

Name of a service that was configured at the [edit forwarding-options accounting] hierarchy level. The default display, (default sampling), indicates the service was configured at the [edit forwarding-options sampling-level] hierarchy level.

Flow Information

FPC Slot

Slot number of the FPC for which the flow information is displayed. (Available only when the inline-jflow fpc-slot slot-number option is used.)

Flow packets

Number of packets received by an operational PIC.

Flow bytes

Number of bytes received by an operational PIC.

Flow packets 10-second rate

Number of packets per second handled by the PIC and displayed as a 10-second average.

Flow bytes 10-second rate

Number of bytes per second handled by the PIC and displayed as a 10-second average.

Active flows

Number of currently active flows tracked by the PIC.

Total flows

Total number of flows received by an operational PIC.

Flows exported

Total number of flows exported by an operational PIC.

Flows packets exported

Total number of cflowd packets exported by an operational PIC.

Flows inactive timed out

Total number of flows that are exported because of inactivity.

Flows active timed out

Total number of long-lived flows that are exported because of an active timeout.

Sample Output

show services accounting flow (Flow Aggregation v5/v8 Configuration)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services accounting flow             
Service Accounting interface: rsp0, Local interface index: 171
Service name: (default sampling)
Interface state: Accounting
  Flow information
    Flow packets: 87168293, Flow bytes: 5578770752
    Flow packets 10-second rate: 45762, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 2928962
    Active flows: 1000, Total flows: 2000
    Flows exported: 19960, Flows packets exported: 582
    Flows inactive timed out: 1000, Flows active timed out: 29000

show services accounting flow (Flow Aggregation v9 Configuration)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services accounting flow             
  Flow information
    Service Accounting interface: sp-7/1/0, Local interface index: 149       
    Flow packets: 0, Flow bytes: 0
    Flow packets 10-second rate: 0, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 0
    Active flows: 0, Total flows: 0
    Flows exported: 0, Flows packets exported: 1
    Flows inactive timed out: 0, Flows active timed out: 0

show services accounting flow name

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services accounting flow name count2             
Service Accounting interface: mo-1/1/0, Local interface index: 15
Service name: count2
  Flow information
    Flow packets: 0, Flow bytes: 0
    Flow packets 10-second rate: 0, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 0
    Active flows: 0, Total flows: 0
    Flows exported: 0, Flows packets exported: 0
    Flows inactive timed out: 0, Flows active timed out: 0

show services accounting flow name all

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services accounting flow name all             
Service Accounting interface: rsp0, Local interface index: 171
Service name: T2
Interface state: Accounting
  Flow information
    Flow packets: 37609891, Flow bytes: 2407033024
    Flow packets 10-second rate: 45762, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 2928953
    Active flows: 1000, Total flows: 1000
    Flows exported: 6705, Flows packets exported: 198
    Flows inactive timed out: 0, Flows active timed out: 13000

Service Accounting interface: rsp0, Local interface index: 171
Service name: T3
Interface state: Accounting
  Flow information
    Flow packets: 37750807, Flow bytes: 2416051712
    Flow packets 10-second rate: 45762, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 2928940
    Active flows: 1000, Total flows: 1000
    Flows exported: 13437, Flows packets exported: 378
    Flows inactive timed out: 0, Flows active timed out: 13000

Service Accounting interface: rsp0, Local interface index: 171
Service name: T4
 Interface state: Accounting
  Flow information
    Flow packets: 0, Flow bytes: 0
    Flow packets 10-second rate: 0, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 0
    Active flows: 0, Total flows: 0
    Flows exported: 0, Flows packets exported: 0
    Flows inactive timed out: 0, Flows active timed out: 0

Service Accounting interface: rsp0, Local interface index: 171
Service name: count1
Interface state: Accounting
  Flow information
    Flow packets: 0, Flow bytes: 0
    Flow packets 10-second rate: 0, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 0
    Active flows: 0, Total flows: 0
    Flows exported: 0, Flows packets exported: 0
    Flows inactive timed out: 0, Flows active timed out: 0

show services accounting flow (Multiple Sampling Instances)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services accounting flow             
  Flow information
    Service Accounting interface: sp-2/0/0, Local interface index: 215
    Flow packets: 9867, Flow bytes: 631488
    Flow packets 10-second rate: 0, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 628
    Active flows: 2, Total flows: 10
    Flows exported: 4028, Flows packets exported: 6150
    Flows inactive timed out: 8, Flows active timed out: 4026

    Service Accounting interface: sp-2/1/0, Local interface index: 223
    Flow packets: 0, Flow bytes: 0
    Flow packets 10-second rate: 0, Flow bytes 10-second rate: 0
    Active flows: 0, Total flows: 0
    Flows exported: 0, Flows packets exported: 1
    Flows inactive timed out: 0, Flows active timed out: 0

show services accounting flow inline-jflow fpc-slot (for IPv4 Flow)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services accounting flow inline-jflow fpc-slot 5 
  Flow information
    FPC Slot: 5
    Flow Packets: 0, Flow Bytes: 0
    Active Flows: 0, Total Flows: 0
    Flows Exported: 0, Flow Packets Exported: 0
    Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, Flows Active Timed Out: 0

show services accounting flow inline-jflow fpc-slot (with IPv4, IPv6, VPLS, and Bridge Configuration)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services accounting flow inline-jflow fpc-slot 5 
Flow information
    FPC Slot: 5
    Flow Packets: 0, Flow Bytes: 0
    Active Flows: 0, Total Flows: 0
    Flows Exported: 0, Flow Packets Exported: 0
    Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, Flows Active Timed Out: 0

    IPv4 Flows:
    IPv4 Flow Packets: 0, IPv4 Flow Bytes: 0
    IPv4 Active Flows: 0, IPv4 Total Flows: 0
    IPv4 Flows Exported: 0, IPv4 Flow Packets exported: 0
    IPv4 Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, IPv4 Flows Active Timed Out: 0

    IPv6 Flows:
    IPv6 Flow Packets: 0, IPv6 Flow Bytes: 0
    IPv6 Active Flows: 0, IPv6 Total Flows: 0
    IPv6 Flows Exported: 0, IPv6 Flow Packets Exported: 0
    IPv6 Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, IPv6 Flows Active Timed Out: 0

    VPLS Flows:
    VPLS Flow Packets: 0, VPLS Flow Bytes: 0
    VPLS Active Flows: 0, VPLS Total Flows: 0
    VPLS Flows Exported: 0, VPLS Flow Packets Exported: 0
    VPLS Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, VPLS Flows Active Timed Out: 0

    BRIDGE Flows:   
    BRIDGE Flow Packets: 0, BRIDGE Flow Bytes: 0
    BRIDGE Active Flows: 0, BRIDGE Total Flows: 0
    BRIDGE Flows Exported: 0, BRIDGE Flow Packets Exported: 0
    BRIDGE Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, BRIDGE Flows Active Timed Out: 0
    BRIDGE Flow Insert Count: 0

show services accounting flow inline-jflow (MX80 Router with IPv4 and IPv6 Configuration)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services accounting flow inline-jflow 
Flow information
    TFEB Slot: 0
    Flow Packets: 0, Flow Bytes: 0
    Active Flows: 0, Total Flows: 0
    Flows Exported: 0, Flow Packets Exported: 0
    Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, Flows Active Timed Out: 0

    IPv4 Flows:
    IPv4 Flow Packets: 0, IPv4 Flow Bytes: 0
    IPv4 Active Flows: 0, IPv4 Total Flows: 0
    IPv4 Flows Exported: 0, IPv4 Flow Packets exported: 0
    IPv4 Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, IPv4 Flows Active Timed Out: 0

    IPv6 Flows:
    IPv6 Flow Packets: 0, IPv6 Flow Bytes: 0
    IPv6 Active Flows: 0, IPv6 Total Flows: 0
    IPv6 Flows Exported: 0, IPv6 Flow Packets Exported: 0
    IPv6 Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, IPv6 Flows Active Timed Out: 0

show services accounting flow inline-jflow fpc-slot (PTX1000 Router When Both IPv4 and IPv6 Are Configured)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services accounting flow inline-jflow fpc-slot 0
Flow information
FPC Slot: 0
Flow Packets: 47427946, Flow Bytes: 5217074060
Active Flows: 0, Total Flows: 2
Flows Exported: 194, Flow Packets Exported: 7045
Flows Inactive Timed Out: 2, Flows Active Timed Out: 192
IPv4 Flows:
IPv4 Flow Packets: 47427946, IPv4 Flow Bytes: 5217074060
IPv4 Active Flows: 0, IPv4 Total Flows: 2
IPv4 Flows Exported: 194, IPv4 Flow Packets exported: 7045
IPv4 Flows Inactive Timed Out: 2, IPv4 Flows Active Timed Out: 192
IPv6 Flows:
IPv6 Flow Packets: 0, IPv6 Flow Bytes: 0
IPv6 Active Flows: 0, IPv6 Total Flows: 0
IPv6 Flows Exported: 0, IPv6 Flow Packets Exported: 0
IPv6 Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, IPv6 Flows Active Timed Out: 0

show services accounting flow inline-jflow (Junos OS Evolved 21.2R1 and later, for a PTX10003 router)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services accounting flow inline-jflow fpc-slot 0
Flow information
  FPC Slot: 0
  Flow Packets: 0, Flow Bytes: 0
  Active Flows: 0, Total Flows: 0
  Flows Exported: 0, Flow Packets Exported: 0
  Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, Flows Active Timed Out: 0

  IPv4 Flows:
  IPv4 Flow Packets: 0, IPv4 Flow Bytes: 0
  IPv4 Active Flows: 0, IPv4 Total Flows: 0
  IPv4 Flows Exported: 0
  IPv4 Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, IPv4 Flows Active Timed Out: 0

  IPv6 Flows:
  IPv6 Flow Packets: 0, IPv6 Flow Bytes: 0
  IPv6 Active Flows: 0, IPv6 Total Flows: 0
  IPv6 Flows Exported: 0
  IPv6 Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, IPv6 Flows Active Timed Out: 0

  MPLS Flows:
  MPLS Flow Packets: 0, MPLS Flow Bytes: 0
  MPLS Active Flows: 0, MPLS Total Flows: 0
  MPLS Flows Exported: 0
  MPLS Flows Inactive Timed Out: 0, MPLS Flows Active Timed Out: 0

show services accounting flow inline-jflow (SRX Series When IPv4 is configured)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services accounting flow inline-jflow
Flow information
    FPC Slot: 0
    Flow Packets: 462680, Flow Bytes: 45433206
    Active Flows: 34, Total Flows: 61093
    Flows Exported: 138936, Flow Packets Exported: 96649
    Flows Inactive Timed Out: 61083, Flows Active Timed Out: 138936
    Total Flow Insert Count: 0

    IPv4 Flows:
    IPv4 Flow Packets: 462680, IPv4 Flow Bytes: 45433206
    IPv4 Active Flows: 34, IPv4 Total Flows: 61093
    IPv4 Flows Exported: 138936, IPv4 Flow Packets exported: 96649
    IPv4 Flows Inactive Timed Out: 61083, IPv4 Flows Active Timed Out: 138936
    IPv4 Flow Insert Count: 0

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Junos OS Release 10.0 added the capability to display output from multiple sampling instances.
