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About the Compliance Page

To access this page, click Trust > Compliance.

The Compliance page displays a list of scans already run on the network. You can click a scan name to view details of the network targets scanned. The scan reports contain details such as the number of targets scanned, time taken for the scan, compliance score of the targets, and the rule results for the selected target. Additionally, you can view scan summary cards that display the number of targets that have a compliance score below a certain threshold, targets that are non-compliant, and targets that are fully compliant.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks from this page:

  • View scans that have been completed earlier.

  • Run a custom scan. Click Add to initiate a custom scan. See Perform Custom Compliance Scans .

  • Search for compliance scans in which specific targets were scanned by using the entering the target name in the Search By Target field.

  • You can also perform the following tasks on this page:

    • Sort, resize, or re-arrange columns in a table (grid).

    • Show or hide columns in the table or reset page preferences, using the vertical ellipsis menu.

    • Search by using keywords—Click the search icon (magnifying glass), enter the search term in the text box, and press Enter. The search results are displayed on the same page.

    • Filter the data displayed in the table—Click the filter icon (funnel) and select whether you want to show or hide advanced filters. You can then add or remove filter criteria, save criteria as a filter, apply or clear filters, and so on. The filtered results are displayed on the same page.

    For more information, see GUI Overview.

Table 1 describes the fields on the Scans page.

Table 1: Fields on the Compliance Page
Field Description
Scan UUID Unique identifier that Paragon Automation generates for the scan.
Scan Name Auto-generated name for the scan.
Benchmark Name Name of the benchmarks document used in the scan.
Benchmark Version Version of the benchmarks document used in the scan.
Tailoring Name Name of the tailorings document.
Tailoring Version Version of the tailorings document.
Profile Profile level selected for the scan.
Labels Labels that you assign to a scan. As scan names are auto-generated, assigning a label helps you identify scans that are initiated by you.
Total Targets Number of targets assessed during the scan.
Time Started Date and the time when the scan was started.
Duration Duration of the scan in milliseconds.
Status Compliance status of the targets that were scanned.