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Analyze Scan Results

You can analyze the scan results to identify target devices that do not comply with the rules in the benchmark and tailoring documents and take corrective action to improve the trust score.

To analyze scan results:

  1. Click Trust > Compliance.
    The Compliance page appears displaying completed scans.
  2. Click the scan name to view more details of target devices that are non-compliant, such as the rules that failed.
  3. Click a compliance score to view the list of rules that the target was evaluated against.
  4. Click the Details icon next to the Rule ID that has a status Fail in the Status column.
    A panel showing more details, such as the reason for failure and the recommended resolution is displayed on the right side.
  5. Perform the recommended action and rerun the scan.
  6. Verify that the status of the Rule ID is displayed as Pass.