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About the Measurement Designer Page

You can access the Measurement Designer page in one of the following ways:

  • Click Observability > Active Assurance > Measurement Designer.

  • Click Observability > Active Assurance > Tests > Add (+).

  • Click Observability > Active Assurance > Monitors > Add (+).

You (superusers or network administrators) can use the Measurement Designer page to create a Test or a Monitor, configure Steps and Tasks, edit a Test or a Monitor name, edit a Step name and its duration, switch between Test and Monitor modes, remove a Step or a Task, and so on. You can also zoom in, zoom out, fit Steps to page size, and lock or unlock the Steps that you are configuring.

Tests and Monitors are used to measure common metrics such delay, delay variance (jitter), packet loss, round-trip response time, and these collect metrics by using protocol configurations called Tasks. For more information on Tests and Monitors, see Tests and Monitors Overview.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks on the Measurement Designer page:

  • Create a Test. See Create a Test.

  • Create a Monitor. See Create a Monitor.

  • Specify a name for a Test or a Monitor—You need to add a name for the Test or the Monitor that you are creating.

    If you are creating a Test, click the Sequence Name or click the Edit (pencil) icon next to Sequence Name and enter a name.

    If you are creating a Monitor, click the Monitor Name or click the Edit (pencil) icon next to Monitor Name and enter a name.

    Sequence Name is the placeholder name for a Test and Monitor Name is the placeholder name for a Monitor.

  • Add a Step—A Step is a collection of protocol Tasks.

    In Test creation mode, you can add one or more Steps by clicking + Add Step.

    In Monitor creation mode, there can be only one Step, and it is available by default.

  • Add a Task—Tasks combine to form a Step. You can add multiple Tasks to a Step by clicking + Add Task. On the Task page, you can configure different parameters and set evaluation criteria.

  • Switch between Test and Monitor—You can switch from the Test to the Monitor creation mode by using the Monitor button and vice versa. If you want to switch from the Test creation mode to Monitor creation mode, ensure that you have configured only one Step. If you have configured more than one Step, the Steps other than the first one will not be moved to the Monitor creation mode.

    The name you configured for Test and Monitor will remain the same when you switch between modes.

    The duration you configured for a Step in Test will be deleted when you switch to the Monitor mode as a Monitor runs indefinitely.

  • Configure Test and Monitor settings—You can configure additional settings for a Test and a Monitor. Click the Test Settings (gear) icon or the Monitor Settings (gear) icon to,

    • Specify the wait duration (in seconds)—You can specify the maximum wait duration. After the Test Agent completes a Step, Paragon Automation waits for the Test Agents to configure or download the plugins or for the Test Agents to be ready to run the Steps.

      By default, the Step wait duration is 60 seconds. The Step wait duration has no effect on the Test duration.

      You cannot add maximum wait duration for a Monitor as the Monitor can only contain one Step.

    • (Optional) Specify a short description a the Test or a Monitor.

    • Add Tags—Specify a key-value pair in the key:value format.

      You can configure Tags for a Test or a Monitor in the key:value format to provide additional information about the Test or Monitor you are configuring. A tag is a key-value pair in which the key signifies a category for which you configure a value. The value is an identifier for the category. Examples of key-value pairs are device and device name (edgedevice:acx7000), site and site name (site:bangalore).

  • Run a Test or a Monitor—You can run a Test or a Monitor. After you configure a Test and a Monitor, click the Run button.


    If a Step does not contain any Task, the Run button will be disabled.

    A successful message is displayed confirming that you have successfully run a Test or a Monitor, corresponding measurements are generated and specified configurations are pushed to the Test Agents. Now, you are redirected to the Test-Name (Observability > Active Assurance > Tests > Test-Name) page or the Monitor-Name (Observability > Active Assurance > Monitors > Monitor-Name) page where you can view the Tests or Monitors you run.

  • Additionally, you can perform the following tasks from the bottom-left corner of the page:

    • Zoom in—You can click the Zoom in (plus) icon to zoom in the Steps that you are configuring.

    • Zoom out—You click the Zoom out (minus) icon to zoom out the Steps that you are configuring.

    • Maximize—You can click the Fit view (box) icon to fit Steps to the page size.

    • Toggle interactivity—You can click the Toggle interactivity (lock) icon to lock or unlock the Steps.

      When you lock the Toggle interactivity icon, you can drag the Steps anywhere on the Measurement Designer page but you cannot edit the Step.

      When you unlock the Toggle interactivity icon, you cannot drag the Step anywhere on the Measurement Designer page but you can edit the Step.