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set paragon monitoring


Hierarchy Level



Configure the monitoring in Paragon Automation to collect metrics from different types of sources (host metrics, kube-state-metric, syslogs and so on) and forward the collected data to designated sinks, or destinations (Prometheus, VictoriaMetrics, and so on).


sink id elasticsearch elasticsearch-options

For the specified sink ID, write the log messages to elasticsearch. The sink ID must be in the [a-z][a-z0-9_-]* format.

elasticsearch-options include the following:

  • api_version versionAPI version of elasticsearch. Options include auto, v6, v7, and v8.

  • compression method—Data compression method. Default is none. Options include none, gzip, snappy, zlib, and zstd.

  • endpoints (value | [values])—HTTP(S) endpoint of sources/sinks. Enter a single value or multiple [values].

  • healthcheck (none | enabled)—When enabled, check the health of the sink when the Vector starts up.

  • mode (bulk | data_stream)—Elasticsearch indexing mode.

  • query parameters—Custom parameters to add to the query string for each HTTP request sent to Elasticsearch, in the arg1_key#arg1_value#arg2_key#arg2_value... format. Number of hashtag-separated items has to be an even number.

sink id prometheus_remote_write prometheus-options

For the specified sink ID, write metric data to the endpoint with prometheus remote write protocol. The sink ID must be in the [a-z][a-z0-9_-]* format.

prometheus-options include the following:

  • compression method—Data compression method. Default is snappy. Options include gzip, snappy, and zstd.

  • endpoint value—HTTP(S) endpoint of sources/sinks.

  • healthcheck (none | enabled)—When enabled, check the health of the sink when the Vector starts up.

source id cluster kafka options

For the specified source ID, monitor cluster-level metric source and subscribe to kafka topics for messages. The default sources are audit, host, and ksm.

options include the following options:

  • bootstrap_servers servers—Comma separated list of bootstrap servers.

  • group_id value— Kafka subscription group ID.

  • topics ((value | [values] | audits-dev)—List of kafka topics. Enter a single value or multiple [values] or audits-dev.

source id cluster prometheus_scrape options

For the specified source ID, monitor cluster-level metric source and collect metrics through sources which writes prometheus-format data. The default sources are audit, host, and ksm.

options include the following:

  • endpoints (value | [values])—HTTP(S) endpoint of sources/sinks. Enter a single value or multiple [values].

  • scrape_interval_secs interval— Scrape interval in seconds.

source id node host_metrics scrape_interval_secs interval

For the specified source ID, monitor and collect node-level metric data. Enter scrape interval in seconds. The default sources are audit, host, and ksm.

Required Privilege Level


Release Information

Statement introduced in Paragon Automation Release 2.0.0.