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About the Test-Name Page

To access the Test-Name page:

  1. Select Observability > Active Assurance > Tests.

    The Tests page appears.

  2. Click a Test-Name.

The Test-Name page appears displaying the Test results.

You (superusers and network administrators) can use this page to view the details of the Test you run. You can view general details of a Test such as the Test name, Test description, date and time of the completed Test, and the overall result (Passed, Failed, or Canceled), and the list of events generated. You can also view the details of Tasks generated for each Step, and Streams generated for each Task that you have configured for a Test. In addition, you can also cancel, rerun, clone, and delete a Test.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following Tasks on the Test-Name page:

  • View Test details—You can view the following details related to the Test:

    • Test name—The name of the Test that you have specified at the time of creating the Test.

    • Test description—The description of the Test that you have entered at the time of creating the Test.

    • Full Test Execution duration—The total duration of the Test.

    • Test creation time—The date and time when the Test was created.

    • Test status—The overall status of the Test that you run.

  • View the details of each Step within the Test—A Test can include multiple Steps. Each Step within a Test is displayed as a tab. Click a Step (tab) to view the Step results, the details of the Tasks within the Step, events generated for the Step, and the Streams for each Task within the Step. You can also view the time duration up to which Paragon Automation waits for Test Agent to execute the Test and the total run time of Test.

    If a single Step fails, Paragon Automation evaluates the overall Test result status as Failed.

  • View the list of events—You can view the events generated by the Test and the date and time at which the event has occurred. The Event bar displays events based on the severity levels. The high-priority event, Critical, is displayed at the top of the events list, while low-priority event, Information, is displayed at the end of the list.

    To view the list of all the events generated in the order of occurrence, click the More option. When you click More, the Events page appear. For more information on the events generated by the Test, see Table 1.

  • View the events on an event bar—You can view all the events generated on an event bar. The event bar is a color-driven bar graph that indicates events and the time at which the event has occurred. The colors represent the severity of events. That is, critical events are represented in red, errors are represented in orange, warnings are represented in yellow, information is represented in blue.

    You can also hover over an event generated on the event bar to view the start time, end time, total number of events generated, and the number of events generated in each type.

  • View the status of each Task within a Step—A Step is a collection of Tasks. Each Task within a Step is displayed as different event bars. Click > to view the event bar for each Task. When you hover over the event bar, you can view the events generated for the Task.

  • View the list of Streams—You can view the list of Streams generated for the Task you selected and their details as displayed in Table 2. To view the details of a specific Stream, click a Stream-Name. The Stream-Name Details page displays the result for metrics as stream graphs. For more information, see View Stream Details.

  • Group all the Tasks—By default, all Streams are displayed in a table format. When you enable the Group by Task toggle button, the Streams are grouped based on the Task that you have selected. For example, all the Streams related to HTTP will be grouped under HTTP Task. By default, this toggle button is disabled.

    When you enable this toggle button, you can expand and hide the Streams within the Tasks by using Expand and Minimize icons. When you click Expand icon, the Stream details for each Task are displayed, and when you click Minimize, the Stream details for each Task are hidden.

  • Cancel the Test—You can cancel a Test by using the Cancel option. To cancel a Test, click More and select Cancel. A message is displayed asking for your confirmation. Click Yes.

    A message confirms that Paragon Automation has successfully canceled the Test, and the Test status is changed to Canceled. When you cancel a running Test, Paragon Automation retains the data related to the canceled Test up to the point of cancellation.

  • Rerun a Test—You can rerun a Test by using the Rerun option. To rerun a Test, click More and select Rerun.

    A message confirms that Paragon Automation successfully rerun the Test and the overall status of the Test changes to Running.

  • Clone a Test—You can clone a Test by using the Clone option. To clone a Test, click More and select Clone. When you clone a Test, an editable copy of the Test you configured is displayed.

    You are redirected to the Measurement Designer (Observability > Active Assurance > Measurement Designers) page and a clone of the Test you configured is displayed.

  • Delete the Test—You can delete a Test by using the Delete option. To delete the Test, click More and select Delete. A message is displayed asking for your confirmation. Click Yes.

    A message confirms that Paragon Automation has successfully deleted the Test and you are redirected to the Tests (Observability > Active Assurance > Tests) page. Paragon Automation also deletes the Test from the Tests page and the data on the widgets is updated.

Table 1: Fields in the Events page
Field Description

The type of severity level of the event that is raised when there is a criteria violation.

The following are the severity levels:

Critical—Indicates that the event is critical and needs immediate attention.

Warning—Indicates that the event needs to be fixed but does not require immediate attention.

Info—Indicates the progress of the Task and provides information on the event. The informational event does not require attention.

Error—Indicates that the event needs to be fixed and requires immediate attention and troubleshooting.


The description that you specified when you configured the evaluation criteria for a Test.

Raise Time

The date and time when the event was generated. The timestamp is displayed in the following format: Month DD, YYYY, HH:MM:SS AM/PM.

The date and time is displayed according to the Raise delay you specified when you configured the evaluation criteria for a Test.

For example, Mar 5, 2024, 4:29:52 PM.

Clear Time

The date and time when the event was cleared. The timestamp is displayed in the following format: Month DD, YYYY, HH:MM:SS AM/PM.

The date and time is displayed according to the clear delay you specified when you configured the evaluation criteria for a Test.

For example, Mar 5, 2024, 4:29:52 PM.


The details of the event generated is displayed in JSON format. It displays various IDs related to the event like Test Agent ID, Test ID, Task ID, Stream ID, and so on. To view the details, click show hyperlink.


The details of the evaluation criteria associated with the event generated. To view data, click show hyperlink.

Table 2: Fields in the Test Result Table
Field Description
Stream Name

The name of the Stream that is auto-generated by Paragon Automation when you run a Test.


The configuration details of the selected Stream. Click show to view the details of the results metrics measured by the Stream.

You can also copy the configuration.

Task Name

The name of the Task that generated the Stream. Tasks such as a ping are bi-directional. A bi-directional Task produces more than one Stream in each direction.


The severity level of events raised by Streams. The following are the severity levels:

Debug—Indicates that the event needs troubleshooting.

Critical—Indicates that the event is critical and needs immediate attention.

Warning—Indicates that the event needs to be fixed but does not require immediate attention.

Info—Indicates that an informational event is raised that provides details on the progress of the Task and does not require attention.

Error—Indicates that the event needs to be fixed and requires immediate attention and troubleshooting.

Event Overview

The event overview of a Stream displays an event bar. You can view the start time, end time, total number of events generated, and the number of events generated in each type. The events can have Critical (Red), Error (Orange), Warning (Yellow), or Info (Blue) status.

If you click a Stream-Name, you can access a detailed result of all metrics measured by the Stream. See View Stream Details for more information.