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View VPN Service Health Monitoring Data

Paragon Automation automatically monitors the health of an L2 circuit service after provisioning the service. To view the health check results for an L2 circuit service and its related parameters:

  1. Click Orchestration > Instances.

    The Service Instances page appears.

  2. Select the service instance and click the service-instance-name hyperlink.

    The Service-Instance-Name Details page appears.

  3. Click the Passive Assurance tab.

    The monitoring data of the service components (categorized into accordions) generated by health checks appear.

You can expand the accordions to view the parameters for the corresponding component. The parameters are displayed in tabular format. Click any hyperlinked table entry for a detailed view of the health check results for the parameters.

The Relevant Events section on the right side of the accordion displays the last two events (alerts) in order of their severity. Do any of the following to view details about the events:

  • If there are fewer than two events, hover over the View Details hyperlink. You see a pop-up with the device name, description, created time, last received time, and number of recurrences of the event.

  • If there are more than two events, click the View all Relevant Events hyperlink to view the complete list of events with details such as severity, timestamp, type, recurrence, and description of each event for the accordion category.

The severity level of events is defined by the following categories.

  • Urgent Action Needed—Indicates that a critical event has occurred. The functioning of the component is affected and needs urgent user intervention to fix the issue.

  • Action Needed—Indicates that a major event has occurred on the component and needs user action but not urgently. The functioning of the component is affected but not drastically.

  • Being Monitored—Indicates that a minor event has occurred on the component but needs no user action. The component is being monitored.

When no event is reported and the component is functioning normally, the status is displayed as Healthy.

View Health Monitoring Data for L2 Circuit Service Instances

You can view the following accordions for L2 circuit service instances:

  • Physical Interfaces—View health check results for physical interfaces of PE devices through which the VPN service spans. This includes health check results for parameters like link flaps, link state, input and output bandwidth utilization, input and output error counts, and interface speed.

  • Logical Interfaces—View health check results for operation status of the logical interfaces on the PE devices through which the VPN service spans.

  • L2 Circuit—View health check results for the L2 circuit connection status.