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About the WAN Health Tab


Juniper Paragon Automation Release 2.1.0 provides Beta support for the WAN Health Tab feature.

To access this tab, click Observability > Health > Health Dashboard > WAN Health.

Use this tab to view real-time information about the overall health of devices, interfaces, and routing neighbors in your network.

The WAN Health tab consists of the following accordions:

  • Devices Health

  • Interfaces Health

  • Routing Health

Each accordion has three sections. The first section provides a description of the accordion. The second section displays the latest aggregate health snapshot. The last section displays a health trend graph representing the average health for the past 30 minutes.

Task You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks from this page:

  • View device health information on the Devices Health accordion. See About the Devices Health Page.

    On the Devices Health accordion, you can:

    • View a health snapshot of the average health (in percentage) of devices, and the total number of unhealthy devices. The data displayed for healthy devices is calculated based on the number of devices that have an alert raised divided by the installed base. Install base indicates the total number of devices that are available in the network.

    • View the percentage and health of the KPIs, and the total number of unhealthy devices in relation to that KPI that affect device health.

    • Click any KPI (listed under Feature) to view more information about the performance of that KPI on the Devices Health page.

    • View a health trend graph of the average health trend of the devices for the past 30 minutes. Hover over any point in the graph to view the average health score for that category at that time.

  • View interfaces health information on the Interfaces Health Accordion. See About the Interfaces Health Page.

    On the Interfaces Health accordion, you can:

    • View a health snapshot of the average health (in percentage) of the interfaces of the devices, and the total number of unhealthy devices.

    • View the percentage and health of the KPIs that affect interface health, and the total number of unhealthy devices in relation to that KPI that affect interface health.

    • Click any KPI (listed under Feature) to view more information about the performance of that KPI on the Interfaces Health page.

    • View a health trend graph of the average health trend of the interfaces for the past 30 minutes. Hover over any point in the graph to view the average health score for that category at that time.

  • View routing health information on the Routing Health Accordion. See About the Routing Health Page.

    On the Routing Health accordion, you can:

    • View a health snapshot of the average routing health (in percentage) in relation to the number of devices, and the total number of unhealthy devices.

    • View the percentage and health of the KPIs, and total number of unhealthy devices in relation to that KPI that affect routing health.

    • Click any KPI (listed under Feature) to view more information about the performance of that KPI on the Routing Health page.

    • View a health trend graph of the average routing health trend for the past 30 minutes. Hover over any point in the graph to view the average health score for that category at that time.

  • Expand or collapse accordions.

    • Click Expand All to expand the accordions on the tab. You can view detailed information related to KPIs that affect overall health based on alerts, and a performance graph.

    • Click Collapse All to collapse all accordions on the tab. You can only view overall health based on alerts, and a performance graph.

  • View the total number of devices in the network in the top-right corner of the tab.

  • View the time stamp of the last update or refresh (in DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss AM/PM format) in the top-right corner of the tab. For Example: 07/12/2024 12:42:43 PM

  • Update the details on the tab by clicking the refresh icon.