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Add Location Zones to a Floorplan

Location zones are useful whether you're developing applications or using the occupancy and engagement analytics pages in the Juniper Mist™ portal.

After you add location zones to a floorplan, you can use these zones in several ways.

  • On the Occupancy Analytics page, you can monitor each zone's occupancy.

  • On the Engagement Analytics page, you can analyze visitor and employee dwell times in each zone.

  • With API calls, you can capture every zone entry and exit event for client devices, assets, and SDK clients.

  • With your Juniper Mist SDK-enabled applications, you can trigger alerts when people enter and exit high-security zones.

To add location zones to a floorplan:

  1. From the left menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Location > Live View.
  2. Select the site and the floorplan.
  3. Click Beacons and Zones.
  4. Click Add Location Zone.
  5. Drag the mouse to define the zone.

    Start from the top left corner of the area that you want to define. Release the mouse at the lower right corner of the area.

    Animation: Clicking the buttons and dragging to create the zone


    To replay the animation, refresh the page or open the image in a new tab.

  6. Give the zone a unique name:
    1. On the Location Zones list, select the check box for the zone.
    2. Click Edit.
      zone check box and Edit button
    3. Enter a name.
    4. Click OK.
  7. Add other zones as needed.
  8. Click Save.