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SecIntel Profile Groups Overview

Configure SecIntel profile groups to add SecIntel profiles such as C&C, DNS, and infected hosts. Once created, you can assign this group to the security policy.

Use the SecIntel Profiles page to manage SecIntel profile groups. To access this page, select SRX > Security Subscriptions > SecIntel > Profile Groups.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the SecIntel Profiles page.
Table 1: Fields on the SecIntel Profile Groups Page
Field Description
Name Displays the SecIntel profile group name.
Command & Control Displays the C&C profile that you have associated with the SecIntel profile group.
DNS Displays the DNS profile that you have associated with the SecIntel profile group.
Infected Hosts Displays the infected hosts profile that you have associated with the SecIntel profile group.
Description Displays the description of the SecIntel profile group.