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Upload and Download a Certificate

You can upload and download a certificate from the Certificate Management page. This topic has the following sections:

Upload a Certificate

Manually upload the selected CSR signed certificate or an externally generated certificate to the device. Only certificate with .pem format and RSA algorithm are supported. Before you proceed, make sure that the signed certificate is available on your local system.

To upload a signed certificate:

  1. Select Secure Edge > Service Administration > Certificate Management.

    The Certificate Management page appears.

  2. Select a CSR certificate or an externally generated certificate and click Upload.

    The Upload Certificate page appears.

  3. Click Browse and navigate to the location of the signed certificate file on your local system.

    Ensure that the uploaded .pem file exactly matches with the selected certificate. If there is a mismatch, then the traffic processing will fail at Juniper Secure Edge.

  4. Select the signed certificate and click Open.
  5. Click OK.

    You are taken to the Certificate Management page. If the certificate content that you imported is validated successfully, a confirmation message is displayed; if not, an error message is displayed.

    After uploading a signed certificate, you can use it when you create an SSL proxy profile.

Download a Certificate

To download a certificate:

  1. Select Secure Edge > Service Administration > Certificate Management.

    The Certificate Management page appears.

  2. Select a CSR certificate or an externally generated certificate and click Download.

    The certificate is downloaded to your system.