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Edit, Clone, and Delete an Active Directory Profile

You can edit and delete Active Directory profiles. This topic contains the following sections:

Edit an Active Directory Profile

To edit an Active Directory profile:

  1. Select SRX > Identity > Active Directory.

    The Active Directory Profile page appears listing the existing Active Directory profiles.

  2. Select the Active Directory profile that you want to edit and click the pencil icon.

    The Edit Active Directory Profile page appears, showing the same options as when creating a new Active Directory profile.

  3. Click OK after completing editing.

Clone an Active Directory Profile

To clone an Active Directory profile:

  1. Select SRX > Identity > Active Directory.

    The Active Directory Profile page appears listing the existing Active Directory profiles.

  2. Select the Active Directory profile that you want to clone and click More > Clone.

    The Clone Active Directory Profile page appears, showing the same options as when creating a new Active Directory profile.

  3. Click OK to save the changes.

Delete an Active Directory Profile

To delete an Active Directory profile from all devices:

  1. Select SRX > Identity > Active Directory.

    The Active Directory Profile page appears listing the existing Active Directory profiles.

  2. Select the active directory profile that you want to delete and then click the delete icon.

    The the selected active directory profile is deleted from all the SRX Series Firewalls. An alert message appears verifying that you want to delete your selection.

  3. Click Yes to delete your selection.