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Configure JIMS Collector to Probe Unknown IP Addresses

The optional PC Probe configuration enables JIMS Collector to probe an unknown IP address of domain computers for the username domain of the user. PC Probe supports only Microsoft Windows-based computers.

Do not configure PC Probe if your server running JIMS Collector has full Internet access. PC Probe sends Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) commands that could expose your enterprise's service account details to unknown users.

  1. Log in to the Windows computer where you installed JIMS Collector.
  2. Select Juniper Networks > JIMS Administrative Interface from the Start menu.
  3. Click Identity Producers on the left pane, and click the PC Probes tab.
  4. Click Add.
    The PC Probe Configuration page opens.
  5. Configure the following fields to add the JIMS-PCProbe service account:
    • Description

    • Login ID—Enter the username of the JIMS-PCProbe service account.

    • Password—Enter the password of the JIMS-PCProbe service account.

  6. Click OK.