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Delete Single Sign-On Settings

You can delete the configured Single Sign-On Settings (SSO) and information about the SSO users in Juniper Security Director Cloud. However, if you want to retain the user information, you can choose to delete only the configured settings.

When you delete the settings, SSO users will not be able to log in to Juniper Security Director Cloud with their network credentials.

  1. Click Administration > SSO Configuration.
    The Single Sign-On Configuration page is displayed.
  2. Click Delete.
    You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the settings.
  3. Optionally, select the check box if you want to delete SSO users information from Juniper Security Director Cloud.
  4. Click OK.
    The configured settings are deleted. If you selected the check box in step 3, the SSO user information is also deleted. You can verify if the user information is deleted on the Users page.