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Create Threat Assessment Report Definitions

The threat assessment report provides an assessment of threats that target applications by bypassing traditional network-layer protections. The report also analyzes insider threats from users by allowing them unlimited access to these applications.

Before You Begin

  1. Select Monitor > Reports > Report Definitions.
  2. Click Create, and select Threat Assessment Report.
  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in the Table 1.
    Table 1: Threat Assessment Report Definition Settings



    General Information

    Report Name

    Enter a unique string for the report name containing maximum 64 alphanumeric characters.

    The name can contain dashes.


    Enter a description containing maximum 900 characters for the report.


    Time Span

    Specify the duration for which the report is generated.

    You can select a time span of the last 3 to 24 hours or a custom time span. When you select the custom option, you must specify the From and To date in the MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM:SS format.

    Number of Top Logs

    Enter the number of top events to be displayed.

    The valid range is 1 to 10, and the default value is 5.


    Report Schedule

    Click Add Schedule.

    Select the type of report schedule to use:

    • Run now—Select this option to schedule and publish the configuration at the current time.

    • Schedule at a later time–Select this option to schedule and publish the configuration at a later time.

    Email Section

    Email Recipients

    Enable this option to send the report to specific recipients in an email.

    • Recipients—Enter or select the e‐mail addresses of the recipients. By default, you can search by first name and select registered users. You can also type in external email addresses.

    • Subject—Enter a subject line containing maximum 2048 characters for the e-mail.

    • Comments—Enter the text containing maximum 2048 to include in the body of the e-mail.


    The reports are not sent if a specified recipient does not have permission for a device or domain included in the report configuration when the report is generated.

  4. Click OK to save the report definition.

A new threat assessment report definition with the defined configurations is created.