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Create Metadata Streaming Rule

A metadata streaming rule consists of the metadata streaming profile used to detect threats in the traffic between a source and destination zone pair for a device. You can assign a rule to more than one device.
  1. In the Metadata Streaming Rules section, click +.
  2. Select the source and destination zones.

    The zones configured in the Junos Detailed Configuration tab for the managed devices are displayed in the drop-down lists.

  3. Select the metadata streaming profile that must be used to detect threats.
  4. Click the Devices field.
    The Edit Device Selection window is displayed.
  5. Select the device(s) to be associated with the rule, click >, and then click OK.
  6. Click .
    The rule is created and displayed in the Metadata Streaming Rules section.

Deploy the rule to apply the configurations on the device(s).