Using Report Definitions
You can use the Report Definitions page to view a summary of network activity and overall network status.
Select Monitor > Reports >
Report Definitions.
The Report Definitions page opens.
Click a column header.
The available options are:
Sort Ascending—Sorts reports in ascending order, such as from A to Z or 1 to 10.
Sort Descending—Sorts reports in descending order, such as from Z to A or 10 to 1.
Show or Hide Columns—Provides a list of columns with check boxes to add or remove columns from the report definitions table. Table 1 lists the columns that you can add to the table or remove from the table.
Check boxes—Each row has a check box. Select the check box to perform operations like, run now, preview as PDF, send report, edit recipients, edit schedule, clone, edit the report definitions, and delete the report definitions.
By default, some predefined reports are available.
Table 1: Report Definitions Columns Field
The unique identifier of the report.
The name of the report, which can be user‐created or predefined.
The description of the report definition.
The type of report definition used, such as log reports, bandwidth report, or policy analysis reports.
The report generation schedule.
The recipients of the generated reports.
Last Generated
The time when the last report was generated, along with the status.
Job ID
The unique job ID of the report.
Search for reports by using keywords—Click the search icon, enter the search term in the text box, and press Enter. The search results are displayed on the same page.