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Generate or Revoke API Keys

Customer administrators can generate or revoke API keys. The generated API key is valid for one year. You can generate up to ten API keys per user account.

Generate an API Key

To generate an API key:

  1. Click Administration > API Security.

    The API Security > API Keys page appears.

  2. Click Generate Key.

    The Generate API Key page appears.

  3. Complete the configuration as described in Table 1.
  4. Click Close to save the changes.

    Table 1 lists the fields on the Generate API Key page.

    Table 1: Fields on the Generate API Key Page




    Enter a name containing maximum 32 alphanumeric characters and some special characters, such as hyphens (-) and underscores (_) without spaces.


    Select a role for API security. Both pre-defined and custom roles are listed.


    (Optional) Enter a description for the API key containing maximum 255 characters.

    API Key

    Click Generate Key to create a new API key. The API key contains information such as user ID, who created the key, hashed API key, expiry date, and so on.

    Note: The API key is displayed only once and cannot be retrieved after you navigate away from the page. Click Copy API Key to copy the API key and store it in a safe place for future use. If you lose access to your API key, you might need to revoke the existing key and then generate a new key.

Revoke an API Key

If you lose your API key, you must revoke it and generate a new one.
  1. Click Administration > API Security.

    The API Security > API Keys page appears.

  2. Select the API keys to revoke, and click Revoke Key.
    An alert message appears, asking you to confirm the revoke operation.
  3. Click Yes to revoke the API key.

    A confirmation message appears, indicating the status of the revoke operation.