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Create a Schedule

Use the Create Schedules page to create schedules. A schedule allows you to restrict access to a resource, or remove a restriction to a resource, for a specified period of time.

To configure a schedule:

  1. Select Shared Services > Objects > Schedules.
    The Schedules page appears.
  2. Click the add icon (+).
    The Create Schedules page appears.
  3. Complete the configuration of the schedule according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  4. Click OK to save the changes. If you want to discard your changes, click Cancel instead.

A new schedule is created. You can use this schedule to activate security policies for the times and dates configured in your schedules.

Table 1 provides guidelines on using the fields to create a schedule.

Table 1: Fields on the Create Schedules Page
Field Description
General Information


Required. Enter a unique name for the service. It must begin with an alphanumeric character and cannot exceed 63 characters. Dashes and underscores are allowed.


Enter a description for your service. You should make this description as useful as possible for all administrators.

Date Range

Select Ongoing if you want your schedules to always be active.

Select Custom to configure two sets of start and end dates for a single schedule. For the first set, enter dates in the Start Date and End Date fields. You must enter the days in MM/DD/YYYY format.

For the second set of the schedule, enter the start date in the Second Start Date field and enter the end date in the Second End Date field.


Time Range

Create a schedule to be active daily or for any specific times of the day.

Daily Options

Select Daily to make the schedule applicable daily.

Select Custom to enter specific days and times. Click on a specific day to specify time options for an entire day, to exclude a specific day, or to enter time ranges for the selected day. You must enter the time in HH:MM:SS format.

For example, if you click on Monday, you get a dialog box that allows you to specify whether you want the schedule to be active all day Monday, exclude Monday from the schedule, or have the schedule be active at specific times.