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About the Network Score Page

To access this page, click Trust > General > Network Score.

Paragon Automation provides a dashboard that displays real-time information about the trustworthiness of your network. The Network page displays the average score over time for all the targets within the network, the best and worst device scores, and the score of the selected device.

The graph displays plotted lines for the average score and the scores of the best and the worst performing devices based on the cumulative snapshot information available for your organization.

A green arrow next to the percentage figure indicates that the average score has improved. A red arrow pointing down indicates that the score has decreased since the previous snapshot capture.

Hover over the plotted lines to view the trust score of the targets depicted in the graph.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks on this page:

  • View a graph that contains plotted lines for the average trust score and the trust scores of the best and worst performing devices based on the cumulative snapshot information available for your organization. Move your cursor over the plotted lines to view the trust score of the targets depicted in the graph.

  • View snapshots of the target by clicking the plotted lines on the graph. You can also view the score that is recorded for the device in each snapshot.