set paragon cluster applications
set paragon cluster applications active-assurance test-agent-gateway-vip v4address
set paragon cluster applications active-assurance test-agent-gateway-vip-ipv6 v6address
set paragon cluster applications active-assurance test-agent-gateway-hostname hostname
set paragon cluster applications web-ui web-admin-password password
set paragon cluster applications web-ui web-admin-user user_e-mail_id
set paragon cluster applications pathfinder pce-server pce-server-vip pce-server-vip
Hierarchy Level
Set the following application parameters:
Paragon Active Assurance Test Agent gateway virtual IP (VIP) address and hostname
Default Web administrator login credentials. The Web administrator is the first user to log in to the Paragon Automation GUI and has super user privileges.
PCE server VIP address used to set up Path Computational Element Protocol (PCEP) sessions between Paragon Automation and the devices.
active-assurance test-agent-gateway-vip address |
Set the IPv4 VIP address for the Paragon Active Assurance Test Agent gateway. |
active-assurance test-agent-gateway-vip-ipv6 address |
Set the IPv6 VIP address for the Paragon Active Assurance Test Agent gateway. |
active-assurance test-agent-gateway-hostname hostname |
Set the hostname for the Paragon Active Assurance Test Agent gateway. |
web-ui web-admin-password password |
Set the password for the Web administrator. Ensure that the password does not start with 'ENC:'. |
web-ui web-admin-user user_e-mail_id |
Set the login e-mail ID for the Web administrator. |
pathfinder pce-server pce-server-vip pce-server-vip |
Set the PCE Server VIP address. |
Required Privilege Level
Release Information
Statement introduced in Juniper Paragon Automation Release 2.0.0.
option introduced in Juniper Paragon Automation Release
option introduced in Juniper Paragon
Automation Release 2.2.0.