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Add L2 Circuit VPN Nodes

Use the VPN Nodes section of the Add L2 Circuit page to enter details about the VPN nodes. VPN nodes refer to the PE devices through which the L2 circuit spans in the service provider MPLS network, and which transfer data between the CE devices.

You can configure the following in the VPN Nodes section:

  • Details about PE nodes such as the VPN node ID and underlay transport details.

  • Site network access details such as the CE device that the PE device connects to, PE interface used to connect to the CE device, connection, and service parameters.

  • Signaling type used between PE devices in the service provider network.


Before adding the L2 circuit node details, you must create an L2 circuit service instance and enter general details about the service. Follow steps 1 to 4 of the Add an L2 Circuit Service Instance procedure to create a new instance and add L2 circuit service general details.

To add L2 circuit node details in the VPN Nodes section:

  1. Click the add (+) icon above the VPN Nodes table.
    The VPN Node page appears.
  2. Enter the following details in the General section:
    1. Enter the PE device details by referring to the following table:

      You can add only two PE devices for an L2 circuit.

      Table 1: PE Device Details (L2 Circuit)



      VPN Node ID

      Click the drop-down to select the PE device name for the L2 circuit.


      Enter a description about the device, if applicable.

    2. Expand Underlay Transport and enter the underlay transport details by referring to the following table:
      Table 2: Underlay Transport Details (L2 Circuit)



      Transport Instance ID

      (Optional) Enter a unique name for the tunnel or LSP used to transport the L2 circuit.

      To get the LSP name, log in to the PE router and execute the run show mpls lsp command. The LSP name is displayed in the Ingress LSP > LSPname output field. Enter the LSP name in the Transport Instance ID field.


      The transport instance ID is an optional field. If you do not provide the LSP name, any available LSP on the PE device is used to send network traffic.

      Instance Type

      Specify the instance type or type of tunnel used between the PE devices in the service provider network to transport the L2 circuit or connection.

      LSP is the only instance type that is supported in this release.

  3. Click Next to proceed to the Network Access section.
  4. Click the add (+) icon above the Network Accesses table.
    The Configure Network Access page appears.
  5. Configure the network access parameters:
    1. Enter the name of the CE device and PE interface ID by referring to the following table:
      Table 3: Network Access Parameters (L2 Circuit)




      Enter a unique ID for the CE device that connects to the PE device interface.

      Port ID

      Enter the ID of the PE device interface that connects to the CE device. For example, et-0/0/0/1


      Enter a description about the CE device, if applicable.

    2. Expand Connection > Encapsulation and enter the connection parameters by referring to the following table:
      Table 4: Connection Parameters (L2 Circuit)



      L2 Access Type

      Click the L2 Access Type drop-down and click dot1q to specify the type of L2 access used for the L2 circuit in the service provider network.

      Dot1q is the only L2 access type that is supported in this release. The IEEE 802.1Q standard or Dot1q is a method of tagging or encapsulating Ethernet frames with VLAN tags. The service provider tags packets between CE and PE devices with one or more customer VLAN (C-VLAN) IDs to identify which VLAN the frame belongs to.

      C-VLAN ID

      (Optional) Expand Dot1q and in the C-VLAN ID field, enter a unique ID for the C-VLAN.

      Enter a value from 512 to 65,535.

    3. (Optional) Expand Service > Service Input Bandwidth and click the add (+) icon above the Input Bandwidth table.
      The Input Bandwidth page appears.
    4. Enter the input bandwidth parameters by referring to the following table:
      Table 5: Service Input Bandwidth Parameters (L2 Circuit)




      Specify the type of download bandwidth from the service provider network to the site.

      Bandwidth per port (bw-per-port) is the only input bandwidth type that is supported in this release. This bandwidth type refers to the input bandwidth per network access (connection) on the CE device.


      Enter the Committed Burst Size (CBS) in bytes per second (Bps).

      When network traffic does not utilize the configured Committed Information Rate (CIR), the unused bandwidth is accumulated up to a maximum limit defined by the CBS.


      Enter the CIR or the maximum number of bits per second (bps) that an interface can receive.

      The service provider provides the CIR as the guaranteed bandwidth for network traffic that an interface can receive in one second, under normal line conditions.

    5. Click OK.
      The input bandwidth entries are listed in the Input bandwidth table.
    6. (Optional) Click the edit or delete icons above the Input Bandwidth table to edit or delete the entries.
    7. (Optional) Expand Service > Service Output Bandwidth and click the add (+) icon above the Output Bandwidth table.
      The Output Bandwidth page appears.
    8. Enter the output bandwidth parameters by referring to the following table: .
      Table 6: Service Output Bandwidth Parameters (L2 Circuit)




      Specify the type of upload bandwidth from the site to the provider network.

      Bandwidth per port (bw-per-port) is the only output bandwidth type that is supported in this release. This bandwidth type refers to the output bandwidth per network access (connection) on the CE device.


      Enter the Committed Burst Size (CBS) in bytes per second (Bps).

      When network traffic does not utilize the configured Committed Information Rate (CIR), the unused bandwidth is accumulated up to a maximum limit defined by the CBS.


      Enter the CIR or the maximum number of bits per second (bps) that an interface can send.

      The service provider provides the CIR as the guaranteed bandwidth for network traffic that an interface can send in one second, under normal line conditions.

    9. Click OK.
      The output bandwidth entries are listed in the Output bandwidth table.
    10. (Optional) Click the edit or delete icons above the Output Bandwidth table to edit or delete the entries.
  6. Click OK on the Configure Network Access page.
  7. Click Next on the VPN Node page to proceed to the Signaling Options section.
  8. Enter the signaling parameters:
    1. Click the Type drop-down and click ldp-signaling.

      Use this field to define the signaling type that is used between the PE devices in the service provider MPLS network, to create an L2 circuit.

      MPLS Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) is the only signaling protocol supported in this release.

    2. Expand LDP and click the add (+) icon above the AC and PW Bindings table.
      The AC and PW Bindings page appears.
    3. Enter the values by referring to the following table:
      Table 7: AC and PW Bindings Parameters (L2 Circuit)



      Peer Addr

      Enter the IP address of the peer PE device with which the PE device communicates using LDP, to create an L2 circuit through the MPLS network.

      VC ID

      Enter a unique ID for the virtual circuit (VC).

      Toggle one of the following options:

      • Auto—The VC ID is automatically allocated from the options that you configured in the network resource pool. The Auto option is toggled on by default.

      • Explicit—Enter the VC ID manually. To enter the VC ID manually, switch the Auto toggle off and enter the ID in the VC ID field.

    4. Click OK.
      The entries are listed in the AC and PW Bindings table.
    5. (Optional) Click the edit or delete icons above the AC and PW Bindings table to edit or delete the entries.
  9. Click Done.
    The L2 circuit nodes and site network access parameters you entered are listed in the VPN Nodes table.
  10. Proceed to step 6 of the Add an L2 Circuit Service Instance procedure to complete the remaining steps for creating the L2 circuit service instance.