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Insights Overview

SUMMARY Get familiar with the major features of the Insights page.

The Insights page provides useful information about current conditions. Use this information to correct issues, make changes, and ensure a good network experience for your users.

What Data Are Used for Insights?

  • Telemetry data from:

    • Juniper wired switches

    • Edge devices supported by Juniper Mist WAN Assurance

    • Juniper Mist Edge device

  • Time to connect data from wireless clients

  • Coverage, roaming, and throughput data from access points

  • Throughput data for network applications.

  • Dwell time and other location data from Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tags

Use these insights to correct issues, make changes, and ensure a good network experience for your users.

Finding the Insights Page

To view the Insights page, select Monitor > Service Levels from the left menu. Then click the Insights button at the top of the Monitor page.

Insights Button at the Top of the Monitor Page

Selecting the Context and Time Period

At the top of the Monitor page, click the Site menu to see the context options. Explore the menu to select an entire site, a device, or a client. The Insights page reloads to show the relevant events and information.

Monitor Page Context Options

Click the Today menu to select a time period, such the last 60 minutes, the last 7 days, or a date range.

Selecting a Time Period

The Insights page displays data as recent as the past 60 minutes or as far back as the last 7 days. If you purchase a Premium Analytics subscription, you can access up to 3 years' worth of wireless network insights and other data. To access the information available through your Premium Analytics subscription, select Analytics > Premium Analytics from the left menu.

Refresh Button

To see the latest available data, click the Refresh button at the top-right corner of the Insights page.

Location of the Refresh Button

Map Image

The image at the top of the page represents the physical location of the selected site, AP, or client.

  • If you selected a site, the map shows the geographic location of the site.

  • If you selected a device or client, the map shows its location on the site floorplan.

  • If you select a site or device that is not associated with a floorplan, the map area is blank.

Insights Timeline

Directly below the map, the timeline shows the data rate across the selected time period. You can drag your mouse across the graph to select a time period to zoom in on. Other sections of the page refresh to show the data for the zoomed-in area of the timeline.

Zooming In On the Timeline

The timeline selection doesn't affect the Current Values section of the page. This section always shows current data.

Using the Insights Page

For help using the various sections of the Insights page, explore the other topics in this chapter.