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Layer 1 Actions
Use the Actions dashboard to resolve Layer 1 issues.
When you click the Layer 1 button on the Action dashboard, all available Layer 1 actions appear. Currently there is only one type of action for this category: bad cable.
Your subscriptions determine the actions that you can see on the Actions dashboard. For more information, see Subscription Requirements for Marvis Actions.
Bad Cable
Marvis can detect a faulty cable that is connected to an access point (AP), a switch, or a WAN Edge device.
A faulty cable is one of the root causes of network issues, which manifest as user experience issues. It is a difficult and time-consuming task to manually identify a faulty cable. Marvis can detect bad cables easily by using cable data such as frame errors, link statistics, link errors, and traffic patterns.
A bad cable action indicates cable issues that APs, Switches, and WAN edge devices detect at a site. The details section indicates if a switch, an AP, or a WAN edge device detected the issue.
For a WAN Edge detected issue, you'll need to perform the following steps:
Ensure that the duplex setting is full duplex on both sides of the link.
Change the cable to rule out issues due to a defective cable.
Change the SFP and check the status.
Change the port to rule out any NIC card issues.
Change the Layer2 device (modem or router).
The following sample illustrates the issue:
After you fix the issue, Mist AI monitors the AP, switch, or WAN edge for a certain period and ensures that the cable issue is indeed resolved. Hence, it might take up to 24 hours for the Bad Cable action to automatically resolve and appear in the Latest Updates section.