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Automatically Assign Device Names

When you configure auto-provisioning for device names, Juniper Mist™ generates a device name for an access point (AP) based on the port that you connect the AP to. Juniper Mist creates the name by extracting all or part of the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) port description.

  • This feature applies only to APs, not other types of devices.

  • This feature does not rename an AP that already has a name.

To deploy this feature, you first must configure your LLDP port description to include the text that you want to use in your device name. Your auto-provisioning rule can use the full port description or a portion of it. You might find it helpful to include information such as the site name, floor number, or department name in the port description. This way, when you see the AP name in the Juniper Mist portal, you can quickly identify its location or purpose.

To configure auto-provisioning for device names:

  1. From the left menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Organization > Settings.
  2. Click Configure Auto-Provisioning.
  3. Click AP Name Generation.
  4. Click Enabled.
    location of the AP Name Generation button and Enabled option in the Auto-Provisioning window
  5. If needed, select options to customize the AP name by adding or removing characters from the port description. For information and examples, see Manipulate Source Strings for Auto-Provisioning.
  6. Test your rule by entering sample text in the LLDP Port Desc text box at the bottom of the window.
    Ensure that the AP Name text box shows the expected result. If needed, adjust the settings until the expected AP name appears.
  7. Click OK to save your settings.