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Site Groups

If your Juniper Mist™ organization includes multiple sites, you can create site groups to ensure consistent settings. For example, you could create a site group for each region (such as East, West, North, and South) or each purpose (Warehouse, Retail, and so on). Then assign a specific wireless LAN (WLAN) template to each site group.

You also can use site groups to manage administrator access. When you add an administrator account, you can allow access to all sites, specific sites, or site groups.

You can adapt site groups according to your needs.

  • You can add a site to multiple groups. For example, you can assign a site to your Large Stores group and your Southwest Region group.

  • You can apply a WLAN template to a site group that contains a site with unique settings. To bypass the template settings for that site, mark that site as an exception.

For information about managing site groups, see Assign, Unassign, and Manage Site Groups.