- play_arrow Fast Track: Initial Installation
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow System Overview
- play_arrow Chassis Components and Descriptions
- MX960 Chassis Description
- MX960 Component Redundancy
- MX960 Router Hardware and CLI Terminology Mapping
- MX960 Midplane Description
- MX960 Rack-Mounting Hardware
- MX960 Craft Interface Overview
- MX960 Alarm Relay Contacts on the Craft Interface
- MX960 Alarm LEDs and Alarm Cutoff/Lamp Test Button
- MX960 Component LEDs on the Craft Interface
- MX960 Cable Manager Description
- play_arrow Cooling System Components and Descriptions
- play_arrow Host Subsystem Components and Descriptions
- play_arrow Interface Modules—DPCs
- play_arrow Interface Modules—FPCs and PICs
- play_arrow Interface Modules—MPCs and MICs
- MX960 Application Services Modular Line Card Description
- MX960 Application Services Modular Storage Card Description
- MX960 Application Services Modular Processing Card Description
- MIC/MPC Compatibility
- MX960 Modular Interface Card Description
- MX960 Modular Interface Card (MIC) LEDs
- MICs Supported by MX Series Routers
- MX960 MIC Port and Interface Numbering
- MX960 Modular Port Concentrator Description
- MX960 Modular Port Concentrator LEDs
- MPCs Supported by MX Series Routers
- play_arrow Services Processing Card—MX-SPC3
- play_arrow Power System Components and Descriptions
- play_arrow Switch Control Board Components and Descriptions
- play_arrow Site Planning, Preparation, and Specifications
- play_arrow Preparation Overview
- play_arrow Transceiver and Cable Specifications
- play_arrow Pinout Specifications
- play_arrow AC Power Requirements, Specifications, and Guidelines
- play_arrow DC Power Requirements, Specifications, and Guidelines
- play_arrow High-Voltage Second-Generation Universal (HVAC or HVDC) Power Requirements, Specifications, and Guidelines
- Electrical Specifications for the MX960 High-Voltage Second-Generation Universal (HVAC/HVDC) Power Supply
- Power Requirements for an MX960 Router
- Calculating Power Requirements for MX960 Routers
- High-Voltage Second-Generation Universal (HVAC or HVDC) Power Circuit Breaker Requirements for the MX960 Router
- High-Voltage Second-Generation Universal (MX960-PSM-HV) Power Cord Specifications for the MX960 Router
- play_arrow Initial Installation and Configuration
- play_arrow Unpacking the MX960 Router
- play_arrow Installing the Mounting Hardware
- play_arrow Installing the MX960 Router
- Installing an MX960 Router Overview
- Removing Components from the MX960 Router Chassis Before Installing It with a Lift
- Tools Required to Install the MX960 Router with a Mechanical Lift
- Installing the MX960 Router Using a Mechanical Lift
- MX960 Acoustic Cover Installation Instructions
- MX960 Extended Cable Manager Installation Instructions
- Reinstalling Components in the MX960 Chassis After Installing It with a Lift
- play_arrow Connecting the MX960 Router to Power
- Tools and Parts Required for MX960 Router Grounding and Power Connections
- Grounding the MX960 Router
- Connecting Power to an AC-Powered MX960 Router with Normal-Capacity Power Supplies
- Connecting Power to an AC-Powered MX960 Router with High-Capacity Power Supplies
- Connecting Power to an AC-Powered MX960 Router with High-Capacity Second-Generation Power Supplies
- Powering On an AC-Powered MX960 Router with Normal Capacity Power Supplies
- Connecting Power to a DC-Powered MX960 Router with Normal-Capacity Power Supplies
- Connecting Power to a DC-Powered MX960 Router with High-Capacity Power Supplies
- Powering On a DC-Powered MX960 Router with Normal Capacity Power Supplies
- Connecting Power to an MX960 Router with High-Voltage Second-Generation Universal (HVAC or HVDC) Power Supplies
- Powering Off the MX960 Router
- Connecting an MX960 AC Power Supply Cord
- Connecting an MX960 DC Power Supply Cable
- play_arrow Connecting the MX960 Router to the Network
- Tools and Parts Required for MX960 Router Connections
- Connecting the MX960 Router to Management and Alarm Devices
- Connecting the MX960 Router to a Network for Out-of-Band Management
- Connecting the MX960 Router to a Management Console or Auxiliary Device
- Connecting an MX960 Router to an External Alarm-Reporting Device
- Connecting DPC, MPC, MIC, or PIC Cables to the MX960 Router
- Connecting the Alarm Relay Wires to the MX960 Craft Interface
- play_arrow Initially Configuring the MX960 Router
- play_arrow Installing and Replacing Components
- play_arrow Overview of Installing and Replacing Components
- play_arrow Installing Components
- Installing the MX960 Craft Interface
- Installing the MX960 Air Filter
- Installing an MX960 Fan Tray
- Installing an MX960 Routing Engine
- Installing an MX960 Switch Control Board
- Installing an MX960 DPC
- Installing an MX960 FPC
- Installing an MX960 MIC
- Installing an MX960 Dual-Wide MIC
- Installing an MX960 MPC
- Installing an MX960 PIC
- Installing a Cable on an MX960 DPC, MPC, MIC, or PIC
- Installing a MX960 AC Power Supply or High-Voltage Second-Generation Universal (HVAC or HVDC)
- Installing an MX960 DC Power Supply
- Installing an MX960 AS MLC
- Installing an MX960 AS MSC
- Installing an MX960 AS MXC
- Installing an SFP or XFP Transceiver into an MX960 DPC, MPC, MIC, or PIC
- Replacing a CFP2 Transceiver
- Replacing a CFP Transceiver
- play_arrow Replacing Chassis Components
- play_arrow Replacing Cooling System Component
- play_arrow Replacing Host Subsystem Components
- Replacing an MX960 Routing Engine
- Replacing an SSD Drive on an RE-S-1800
- Replacing an SSD Drive on an RE-S-X6-64G
- Replacing Connections to MX960 Routing Engine Interface Ports
- Upgrading to the RE-S-X6-64G Routing Engine in a Redundant Host Subsystem
- Upgrading to the RE-S-X6-64G Routing Engine in a Nonredundant Host Subsystem
- play_arrow Replacing Line Card Components
- play_arrow Replacing Power System Components
- play_arrow Replacing and Upgrading Switch Control Boards
- play_arrow Maintaining the Chassis and Components
- play_arrow Routine Maintenance Procedures
- play_arrow Maintaining Components
- Tools and Parts Required to Maintain the MX960 Router
- Maintaining the MX960 Air Filter
- Maintaining the MX960 Fan Trays
- Maintaining the MX960 Host Subsystem
- Maintaining MX960 DPCs
- Holding an MX960 DPC
- Storing an MX960 DPC
- Maintaining MX960 FPCs
- Holding an MX960 FPC
- Storing an MX960 FPC
- Maintaining MX960 MICs
- Maintaining MX960 MPCs
- Maintaining MX960 PICs
- Maintaining Cables That Connect to MX960 DPCs, MPCs, MICs, or PICs
- Maintaining MX-SPC3 Services Card
- Maintaining the MX960 Power Supplies
- Verifying the Version of the MX960 Cable Manager
- play_arrow Converting to a Different Type of Power Supply
- play_arrow Troubleshooting Hardware
- play_arrow Knowledge Base
- play_arrow Troubleshooting Components
- play_arrow Contacting Customer Support and Returning the Chassis or Components
- play_arrow Contacting Customer Support
- play_arrow Locating Component Serial Numbers
- Displaying MX960 Router Components and Serial Numbers
- MX960 Routing Engine Serial Number Label
- MX960 Chassis Serial Number and Agency Label
- MX960 Craft Interface Serial Number Label
- MX960 Fan Tray Serial Number Label
- MX960 Power Supply Serial Number Labels
- MX960 MIC Serial Number Label
- MX960 MPC Serial Number Label
- MX960 PIC Serial Number Label
- MX960 FPC Serial Number Label
- MX960 DPC Serial Number Label
- MX960 SCB Serial Number Label
- MX960 Midplane Serial Number Label
- Contact Customer Support
- play_arrow Packing and Returning Components
DC Power Disconnection Warning
Before performing any of the DC power procedures, ensure that power is removed from the DC circuit. To ensure that all power is off, locate the circuit breaker on the panel board that services the DC circuit, switch the circuit breaker to the OFF position, and tape the device handle of the circuit breaker in the OFF position.
Waarschuwing Voordat u een van de onderstaande procedures uitvoert, dient u te controleren of de stroom naar het gelijkstroom circuit uitgeschakeld is. Om u ervan te verzekeren dat alle stroom UIT is geschakeld, kiest u op het schakelbord de stroomverbreker die het gelijkstroom circuit bedient, draait de stroomverbreker naar de UIT positie en plakt de schakelaarhendel van de stroomverbreker met plakband in de UIT positie vast.
Varoitus Varmista, että tasavirtapiirissä ei ole virtaa ennen seuraavien toimenpiteiden suorittamista. Varmistaaksesi, että virta on KATKAISTU täysin, paikanna tasavirrasta huolehtivassa kojetaulussa sijaitseva suojakytkin, käännä suojakytkin KATKAISTU-asentoon ja teippaa suojakytkimen varsi niin, että se pysyy KATKAISTU-asennossa.
Avertissement Avant de pratiquer l'une quelconque des procédures ci-dessous, vérifier que le circuit en courant continu n'est plus sous tension. Pour en être sûr, localiser le disjoncteur situé sur le panneau de service du circuit en courant continu, placer le disjoncteur en position fermée (OFF) et, à l'aide d'un ruban adhésif, bloquer la poignée du disjoncteur en position OFF.
Warnung Vor Ausführung der folgenden Vorgänge ist sicherzustellen, daß die Gleichstromschaltung keinen Strom erhält. Um sicherzustellen, daß sämtlicher Strom abgestellt ist, machen Sie auf der Schalttafel den Unterbrecher für die Gleichstromschaltung ausfindig, stellen Sie den Unterbrecher auf AUS, und kleben Sie den Schaltergriff des Unterbrechers mit Klebeband in der AUS-Stellung fest.
Avvertenza Prima di svolgere una qualsiasi delle procedure seguenti, verificare che il circuito CC non sia alimentato. Per verificare che tutta l'alimentazione sia scollegata (OFF), individuare l'interruttore automatico sul quadro strumenti che alimenta il circuito CC, mettere l'interruttore in posizione OFF e fissarlo con nastro adesivo in tale posizione.
Advarsel Før noen av disse prosedyrene utføres, kontroller at strømmen er frakoblet likestrømkretsen. Sørg for at all strøm er slått AV. Dette gjøres ved å lokalisere strømbryteren på brytertavlen som betjener likestrømkretsen, slå strømbryteren AV og teipe bryterhåndtaket på strømbryteren i AV-stilling.
Aviso Antes de executar um dos seguintes procedimentos, certifique-se que desligou a fonte de alimentação de energia do circuito de corrente contínua. Para se assegurar que toda a corrente foi DESLIGADA, localize o disjuntor no painel que serve o circuito de corrente contínua e coloque-o na posição OFF (Desligado), segurando nessa posição a manivela do interruptor do disjuntor com fita isoladora.
¡Atención! Antes de proceder con los siguientes pasos, comprobar que la alimentación del circuito de corriente continua (CC) esté cortada (OFF). Para asegurarse de que toda la alimentación esté cortada (OFF), localizar el interruptor automático en el panel que alimenta al circuito de corriente continua, cambiar el interruptor automático a la posición de Apagado (OFF), y sujetar con cinta la palanca del interruptor automático en posición de Apagado (OFF).
Varning! Innan du utför någon av följande procedurer måste du kontrollera att strömförsörjningen till likströmskretsen är bruten. Kontrollera att all strömförsörjning är BRUTEN genom att slå AV det överspänningsskydd som skyddar likströmskretsen och tejpa fast överspänningsskyddets omkopplare i FRÅN-läget.