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MX960 MIC Port and Interface Numbering

Each port on a MIC corresponds to a unique interface name in the CLI.


Fixed configuration MPCs, that is, MPCs with built-in MICs follow the port numbering of DPCs.

In the syntax of an interface name, a hyphen (-) separates the media type from the MPC number (represented as an FPC in the CLI). The MPC slot number corresponds to the first number in the interface. The second number in the interface corresponds to the logical PIC number. The last number in the interface matches the port number on the MIC. Slashes (/) separate the MPC number from the logical PIC number and port number:


  • type—Media type, which identifies the network device. For example:

    • ge—Gigabit Ethernet interface

    • so—SONET/SDH interface

    • xe—10-Gigabit Ethernet interface

    For a complete list of media types, see Interface Naming Overview.

  • fpc—Slot in which the MPC is installed. On the MX960 router, the MPCs are represented in the CLI as FPC 0 through FPC 11.

  • pic—Logical PIC on the MIC, numbered 0 or 1 when installed in MIC slot 0 and 2 or 3 when installed in MIC slot 1. The number of logical PICs varies depending on the type of MIC. For example, a:

    • 20-port Gigabit Ethernet MIC has two logical PICs, numbered 0 and 1 when installed in MIC slot 0, or 2 and 3 when installed in MIC slot 1.

    • 4-port 10-Gigabit Ethernet MIC has two logical PICs numbered 0 and 1 when installed in MIC slot 0, or 2 and 3 when installed in MIC slot 1.

    • 100-Gigabit Ethernet MIC with CFP has one logical PIC numbered 0 when installed in MIC slot 0 or 2 when installed in MIC slot 1.

    For more information on specific MICs, see MICs Supported by MX Series Routers in the MX Series Interface Module Reference.

  • port—Port number.


The MIC number is not included in the interface name.

The MX960 supports up to twelve MPCs that install vertically and are numbered from left to right. Each MPC accepts up to two MICs.

Figure 1 shows an example of a 20-port Gigabit Ethernet MIC with SFP installed in MIC slot 0 of an MPC in slot 3.


The 20-port Gigabit Ethernet MIC with SFP-E has a different port numbering. See Gigabit Ethernet MIC with SFP (E)

Figure 1: Port Mapping for the 20-Port Gigabit Ethernet MIC with SFP Installed in the MX960Port Mapping for the 20-Port Gigabit Ethernet MIC with SFP Installed in the MX960

The MIC contains two logical PICs, numbered PIC 0 through PIC 1 in the CLI. Each logical PIC contains 10 ports numbered 0 through 9.

The show chassis hardware command output displays a 20-port Gigabit Ethernet MIC with SFP — 3D 20x 1GE(LAN) SFP — installed in MIC slot 0 of an MPC (MPC Type 2 3D EQ) in slot 3. The MPC is shown as FPC 3 and the MIC’s two logical PICs — 10x 1GE(LAN) SFP — are shown as PIC 0 and PIC 1.

The show interfaces terse command output displays the Gigabit Ethernet interfaces that correspond to the 20 ports located on the MIC.