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MX960 Alarm LEDs and Alarm Cutoff/Lamp Test Button

Two large alarm LEDs are located at the upper right of the craft interface. The circular red LED lights to indicate a critical condition that can result in a system shutdown. The triangular yellow LED lights to indicate a less severe condition that requires monitoring or maintenance. Both LEDs can be lit simultaneously.

A condition that causes an LED to light also activates the corresponding alarm relay contact on the craft interface.

To deactivate red and yellow alarms, press the button labeled ACO/LT (for “alarm cutoff/lamp test”), which is located to the right of the alarm LEDs. Deactivating an alarm turns off both LEDs and deactivates the device attached to the corresponding alarm relay contact on the craft interface.

Table 1 describes the alarm LEDs and alarm cutoff button in more detail.

Table 1: Alarm LEDs and Alarm Cutoff/Lamp Test Button






On steadily

Critical alarm LED—Indicates a critical condition that can cause the router to stop functioning. Possible causes include component removal, failure, or overheating.


On steadily

Warning alarm LED—Indicates a serious but nonfatal error condition, such as a maintenance alert or a significant increase in component temperature.

Alarm cutoff/lamp test button—Deactivates red and yellow alarms. Causes all LEDs on the craft interface to light (for testing) when pressed and held.