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Device Discovery Main Page Fields

Use this page to view, create, edit, clone, and delete device discovery profiles. You can filter and sort the device discovery profiles displayed, and view details of each device discovery profile.Table 1 describes the fields on this page.

Table 1: Device Discovery Main Page Fields



Device Discovery Profile

Name of the device discovery profile

Target Type

Indicates the type of target used to discover devices (IP address, IP address range, IP subnet, hostname, or imported from a comma-separated values (CSV) file).

Target Details

Indicates the value of the specified target type. For example, if the target type is IP range, then the IP address range is displayed.


Indicates the version of the SNMP probes used.


Indicates the username of the user that is used for authentication on the device.


Indicates whether key-based authentication is used or not.


Indicates the date and time at which the device discovery profile is scheduled to run.


If the recurrence is configured for the device discovery profile, this field displays the recurrence details.