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Edit and Delete Domains in Security Director

You can edit and delete domains from the Domains page.


Before deleting a domain, you must ensure that all jobs and audit logs associated with the domain are purged.

Edit Domains

To edit a domain:

  1. Select Administration > Users & Roles > Domains.

    The Domains page appears.

  2. Select the domain that you want to edit, and click the pencil icon.

    The Edit Domain page appears, showing the same fields that are presented when you create a domain.

  3. Edit the domain fields as needed.
  4. Click OK.

    The changes are saved and you are returned to the Domains page, where a confirmation message is displayed at the top of the page.

Delete Domains

To delete a domain:

  1. Select Administration > Users & Roles > Domains.

    The Domains page appears.

  2. Select the domain that you want to delete, and click the X icon.

    The Confirm Delete page appears, asking you to confirm your selection.

  3. Click Yes to delete the selected domain.

    The Job Detail: Delete Domain page appears listing the details of the job. If the deletion is successful, the Job State displays SUCCESS; if the deletion is unsuccessful, the Job State displays FAILURE.

  4. Click OK to close the Job Details page.

    You are returned to the Domains page.